God Of Fire, Elohim the Magnificent

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Elohim chuckled as he and Diablo stared down each other.. sizing up each other's power.

"Never did I imagine that I'd one day stand on the same stage as you, great god Elohim." said Diablo Supreme, tilting her head ever so slightly.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch Little Diablo." said Elohim. "Just because you got a whole lot more girly doesn't mean you're on my level, though granted that power is impressive.. You managed to tap into Fulguras's true potential after fusing with her.. nice. You most definitely are an Immortal now.

"Am I?" said Diablo, flexing her fingers curiously, as if still figuring out how they worked. "Does that mean if I defeat you, I can become the new Goddess of Battle?"

"Hold your horses there, there's a process, and the only candidates for that position are Mikoto Misaka, Natsu Dragneel, and Erza Scarlet. It takes more than power to run my position." said Elohim as casually as one would discuss the weather.

"Then for what reason are you here?" Diablo said. "If not to give me a promotion to your spot?"

"Well, I'm itching for a fight with somebody as strong as you.. plus, I kinda liked Mikoto, so you absorbing her kinda pisses me off a bit.." said Elohim.

Diablo smiled, the first time she ever visibly did so now that she had a human mouth to do it with.

"Ugh.." Elohim groaned. "That's another reason. smiling in that disgusting way with Fulguras's pretty face, that's just wrong."

Elohim turned his head to look at Luffy and the others. (Not that he had any eyes.) "That move from Supreme just now injured Thundaarix pretty badly, you might want to retrieve her and get the hell out... this Universe is about to become a battle ground unlike anybody's ever seen.

"W-wait! M-Mikoto's in there!" Luffy growled. "If you beat Diablo up.. w-won't you be beating up-"

"Not my problem." said Elohim. "I'm God of Battle, Ally to nobody! I fight to preserve order, not help my friends! If defeating this girl kills the one inside her, than it's a mere unfortunate price of preserving the Balance of the Multiverse.  If I manage to save her.. well, I hope that happens.. I do actually like that little Fulgy.. NOW BEGONE! You're clogging up the battlefield!!

Elohim thrust out a hand, and a cosmic wind surged up and sent everybody flying away, yelling..

Elohim gave Diablo a fanged grin. "Now that's taken care of.. shall we dance?"

Diablo Supreme cracked her knuckles and  beckoned to Elohim with a finger. "Very well.. come."

Elohim's body became enveloped in the black flames of a Fire God, and he shot forward at a speed that no mortal could catch with their eyes.

Diablo did the same, enveloping herself in molten magma lightning... the black and red energy glowing with a terrible power.

And their fists connected.. causing the very Multiverse to tremble.. to shake with awe.

This was a true battle between Gods.

"BELLOW!!!!" Elohim leapt back.. his round head inflating like a balloon as his cheeks puffed up. "OF THE FIRE GODDDDDD!!!"

Elohim expelled a powerful fire from his mouth the size of an entire planet.

Diablo Supreme puffed up her cheeks (Though her head wasn't elastic and expandable like Elohim's..) "Roar... of the Damned Thunder Dragon.

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