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touko x byakuya one shots


She already knew the day was going to be dreadful the minute she woke up.

Touko Fukawa wasn't one for positive opinions, so that statement was probably terribly overused. However, something about the way dark clouds gathered in the sky gave her a feeling of knowing nothing good would come out of it.

She thought back on her morning experiences as she sulkily trudged to school. She had tripped over a book that had been left on the floor, she had managed to burn her breakfast (that she hadn't even felt like eating), and she had almost sneezed. Twice.

Upon arriving at the esteemed Hope's Peak Academy, Fukawa realized she was already ten minutes late. This really didn't bother her at all. She knew that no one would even notice her ugly face not being there.

Fukawa entered the building and made her way towards the classroom. She wasn't ready to face all the unnaturally cheerful people she was forced to be around each day. Homeroom may not take very long, but it was still an annoyance nonetheless.

She slowly opened the door and walked into the classroom without looking at anyone else. Luckily for her, the teacher didn't even seem to notice her walking in late. Typical. A classmate of hers, Makoto Naegi, tried to say hi to her, but she ignored him. She wasn't in the mood for his pity today.

There was only one person Fukawa was overjoyed to see. Byakuya Togami. Her Byakuya-sama. She made her way directly over to him and sat in the desk behind him. He was the one ray of light in her dismal life, and she was happy to see he was sitting away from everyone else, like usual. She attempted to start speaking to him.

"G-good morning, B-Byakuya-sama..." Fukawa uttered softly.

At her voice, Togami slightly turned his head to glance back at her, but looked back at the book he was reading a second later. He scowled before saying, "I have no desire to see your depressing face this early in the morning. And did you even bother to brush your teeth? Do not open that foul mouth again."

After hearing this, Fukawa remembered that she did in fact forget to brush her teeth that morning. A blush spread across her face. He really was concerned for her! He didn't want her talking and letting everyone else smell her disgusting breath! She felt herself smile.

"O-of course Byakuya-sama, th-thank you...!"

Togami ignored her and didn't respond. She was perfectly fine with that, she could quietly admire him if he so wished.

First period finally started and everyone made their way to their seats. The teacher stood up from his desk and proceeded to start the lesson. Fukawa's ears were deaf to his words, however, since she was much more content with staring at her beautiful Byakuya-sama than hearing about a useless subject like algebra.

Throughout the rest of the day, Fukawa tried to spend as much of it as she could with Togami. Well, if spending the day together was following him to each class as he ignored her presence. It was such a shame that they didn't have every class together, that was less time of the day she got with him and more time having to pay attention to what some idiotic teacher had to say.

Finally, it was her last class. And unfortunately, one without Togami. Fukawa blankly stared at the board, hardly even listening to what the teacher had to say. She knew she should listen, but she would much rather think about new stories she could write, particularly ones featuring a certain Super High School-Level Heir.

The final bell rang, and everyone got up from their seats, quickly clearing out the room. She was the last one out, but it's not like she had the baggage of friends to spend time with going shopping or eating at cafés or any other clichés like that. She didn't care either way.

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