can you cry because i need some spare change

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touko x byakuya one shots

can you cry because i need some spare change

When Touko Fukawa opened the door of her room at a vague time of night that could either have been Tuesday or Wednesday, she didn't expect to find Byakuya Togami yet there he stood, opposite her, in his almost black suit that flared green in the right lighting. Byakuya's suit was black now, especially black either side of a slit of shadowed white shirt, and his stare darkened his beautiful blue eyes into sludge. His attire made Touko feel rather underdressed, with her just in a lavender pink nightgown.

The loose skirt of her dress swayed as she shifted her weight between feet. Her hands balled into fists against her chest and she eyed him, speaking with a quiet that was nonetheless harsh in the still hallway.

"B-Byakuya-sama?" she said.

He stepped forward. His shoulder bumped into hers.

Touko hopped away from him and twisted around to give him passage, thumping back into the wall. Lifting a hand, she felt around for the light switch and flicked her finger across its plastic nub. The room burst into visibility and she shut the door with trembling hands.

Normally, she would have been thrilled about Byakuya coming to her room at this time of night. At any time at all really but even when written from an objective standpoint, Byakuya visiting her at such a late hour carried enough implications to create rumours within the remaining student body. And maybe she was thrilled behind the confusion that she trailed into the room in a spatter of hesitant footsteps.

That could have budded chills across her exposed arms, not the fact that he hadn't left his room in a week.

"Byakuya-sama?" she said again and as she approached the bed, which was where he was seated, she stained the floor with more uneven footsteps. She hugged herself in an attempt to warm away goosebumps. If she had known he would be coming over, she would have tidied her room and maybe even taken a shower. Piles of books surrounded her bed, though the bed itself had none on it.

The sight of Byakuya sitting slouched on the end of her bed, his head bowed forward and his face hidden, erupted Touko in a strong shiver. Silence buzzed between her ears. A coy smile tweaked the corners of her lips. Byakuya Togami on her bed, in her room, in the middle of the night, supplanted imagined truths with concrete actualities.

"W-What have I done to deserve your wonderful presence?" she asked, standing over him. She fidgeted and resisted the temptation to lick her lips.

Just as uncommunicative now as he was when Touko delivered his meals to his room, Byakuya's fingers laced together on his lap and he did nothing else. Touko fitted a fingernail between her teeth. Her smile sagged. A moment later, her hand fell.

"Are you... feeling all right?" said Touko. "W-Why are you here?"

She didn't expect him to answer. Real people were infuriating in that way. They spoke whatever they spoke and thought whatever they thought, and they did whatever they did. Fictional characters were much more obedient. Much more tolerable.

He hunched his shoulders.

"... I want to know something," he said, looking at his wrung hands.

Silence threatened to creep in again so she forced it away with her voice.

"O-Of course," Touko said and she joined him on the bed. Because he didn't tell her to return to her feet and because he was someone who always told people what he thought and what he wanted, she remained seated and twiddled her thumbs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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