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Phil's POV:

I make my way to the hospital looking at my phone camera making sure my fringe looks okay. Twenty minutes before this, I got word that Dan was okay, awake and fairly certain he knew where he was.

I looked up at the five story hospital, and entered myself in. I looked for the check in desk, and saw a middle aged women, working on her computer and walked over.

"Name, and patient you are wishing to visit?" The woman asks.

"Phil Lester, and I'm looking for Dan Howell." I respond.

"What's your relation to Daniel?" She asks.

"Um friend. Can I just please see him?" I plead looking her eyes.

"Room 30. Take a left and continue straight until you see it." She says pointing.

"Thank you." I start walking, and look around.

The thought of life being born, and life possibly getting loss is both amazing and sad. Think about it, you woo-hoo with your spouse and boom you got a kid. Then there's a time when the Grim Reaper comes along and says "Fuck you." and kills you. He spared Dan.

I finally arrive and see Dan on his phone, as he looks up. "What are you doing here? I don't want you here."

"Look Dan. I'm sorry. I only did it for your own good."

"Own good? How is beating me up for my own good?!"

"If I didn't agree he said he would kill you, and my family. Yet he went against what I agreed to and nearly did." I say while showing him the messages.

"So. PJ lied to you? He tried killing me even though he said if you agreed he wouldn't?" He looks in my eyes well asking.

"Exactly. I feel like shit doing it. But I thought I was going to do it for your own good, yet it was for your worse." I frown and sit down at the edge of his bed.

"I-its fine. I guess I understand you were trying to help, and that's what matters the most." He slightly smiles.

"So you forgive me?" I ask.

"Why wouldn't I?"

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