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The introduction is just a slightly edited version of how Yuri and Otabek met in Barcelona. If you don't feel like reading because you already know this, then skip it. But I do recommend you read it. And sorry, I'm not amazing at writing. Thanks! Enjoy!

Yuri Plisetsky's POV

"Where's Yuratchka?" The four girls said in almost perfect harmony. "We're about to have a fan meeting." Dressed in winter attire and cat ear headbands, the Yuri's Angles, as they were called, were bent down over the ground sniffing the floor. "I can smell Yuratchka! His scent is coming from over here!" The girl points in the direction of my clearly failing hiding place. I look around trying find a new spot as soon as possible, but there's nothing. How do I get myself out of this?

Just as the girls are about to walk around the corner where I stand, somebody on a motorcycle pulls up in front of me. "Yuri, get on." He says in a deep voice. I study his face. "Huh? You're-" I'm interrupted by a girl's shriek of joy. "There's Yuratchka!" They start to run at me and I scrunch up my eyes and hold my face in fear of them tackling me. But before they can reach me, they stop. "No way! It's Otabek Altin from Kazakhstan!" They point at the man in front of me. All of a sudden he throws something in my direction. I catch and stare at it confused until I realize what it is. It's a helmet. "Are you coming or not?" I looked at the girls and back at Otabek. Then back at the girls who were quietly whispering to each other. The four  noticed my staring and quickly started running towards me again. Without a moment of hesitation, I jump onto the bike and Otabek drives off.

As the wind flows through my hair, all I can think about is why Otabek would want to "save" me. We have nothing in common. Just the night before I even yelled at him. I didn't even notice we stopped until Otabek nudged me. It took me a moment to gather awareness of my location. But I eventually realized where he brought me. Park Güell municipal garden. I've only ever seen the place in pictures. "It looks cooler than the pictures..." I say and look at him. He doesn't reply. He just starts walking up the steps, so I follow.

We walk in silence until we reach the very top. He stands, leaned against ledge, just staring straight. I do the same and try to find what he's staring at. We stand in silence for a while until he breaks it. "Do you remember me?" He says, still staring into the distance. I turn my head to look at him. "Why would I?" I couldn't think of anywhere I would have met him other than me seeing him on TV or at the recent competitions. "About five years ago, I participated in Yakov's training camp." He stated as his eyes started to drift downwards. "Really? I don't remember that!"

"At the time, I was in my first year in the junior division. But I couldn't keep up with the Russian junior skaters, so I was put in the novice class. That's where I met you." He finally looked in my direction and our gazes crossed. "Yuri Plisetsky had the unforgettable eyes of a soldier." A soldier? Me? We both looked away. "I had just moved my home rink from Moscow to St. Petersburg. I was desperate. I'd decided that I wouldn't complain until I was good enough." I said and looked down. He replied, "After that camp, I moved around to train, from Russia to the US and then to Canada. I only managed to return to my home rink in Almaty last year. Now more tham ever, I want to win the championship for Kazakhstan." He finished. I turned twowards him. "Otabek, why did you talk to me? I'm a rival, aren't I?" "I've always thought we were alike. That's all." He looked at me. "Are you going to become friends with me or not?"

My eyes widened as I looked at him in shock. Nobody had ever asked me to become friends. I nodded and he held out his hand. I shook it and looked up at him. Our eyes met and I blushed. Then the expressionless face he always wore turned into a faint, but visible smile. That's when the flowers began to grow.

A/N: Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Sorry I am not very good at writing but I tried! This is just the introduction. Please tell me what you think and if I should write more. Also, I'm looking for help with writing this story so please message me on here or DM me on instagram ( @\baiden.exe) if you are interested. Thanks again!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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