Starting A New #1

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It was my first day starting at Nekoma. The only reason why I left my old school was because of all the bullying. I couldn't take it anymore, it just wouldn't stop. So my mom transferred me to this school.

I walked through the school trying to find for my class. But the school was so damn big. I asked for directions and they lead me to class 2-A.

"T-thank you for telling me where to go." I thanked the girl who lead me here.

"Well you better get to class, it's about to start." She said as she walked into her own class.

As I walked into class I felt that all eyes were on me. I went to the only empty seat there was in the class, which was right next to a boy with pudding hair. I looked at him for a while but then the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class. As we heard there will be a new transfer student. (Y/n) (l/n) please stand." Said the teacher looking at the attendance sheet.

I quickly got out of my seat. "M-my name is (y-y/n) (l/n) it's nice t-to meet you. Please take care of me." I said as I quickly bowed to the class.

"Thank you for that. (L/n)-san you may take your seat." The teacher said as she started to take attendance.

I went into my bag trying to look for my pencil but sadly I left them at home. In the corner of my eye, I see the boy with pudding hair holding out his hand. I look down to his hand and I see a lead pencil.

"Do you need... a pencil?" Was the only words that came out of his mouth.

"Yes. Thank you." I managed to say without studdering.

He said nothing.

'My personality is completely different from how I act. I'm usually happy and talking to people all of the time.... But that is only when I open up. I actually am shy around people who I don't know.'

Time Skip

It was lunch time and I was looking for a place to eat. Eventually, I had found myself on the roof.

"How did I... get here." I said to myself as I looked at my surroundings. There was no one else up there but me.

I hear footsteps come from behind me and I immediately find a place to hide so no one could hear me. Thankfully there were some boxes I could hide behind. Since I'm only 149 cm and my small figure I was able to hind behind it without needing to bend down.

"So Kenma are you gonna eat all your lunch today." I heard someone say.

"Yeah, I have to. If I don't then my mom will scold me again." He said which I think was Kenma.

"Oh really. What kind of scolding?" Asked the guy.

"You know. The type of scolding parents do. Don't be an idiot Kuroo." Said Kenma.

'I wonder how these people look. wait, doing this makes me seem like a stalker. I have to figure out a way to get away from here without them noticing.' I was thinking to myself. Then all of a sudden I fell backwards and the box had fallen over.

"See told you there was someone back here Kenma." Said the guy how I think is Kuroo.

"Hmm." Kenma hummed out.

"G-g-g-gomen'nasai." I said quickly getting on my feet and bowing to them. "I swear I wasn't stalking. I was just hiding." I said looking at them and. I picked up my bento and ran for the door.

I run around the school with my eyes closed not knowing where I was going. Eventually, I stopped running and open my eyes and I found myself outside.

"Umm, where am I now."

Time Skip

I had spent the whole lunching just trying to look for my classroom. And one I did find it I eat my lunch there. After a while class started again. And everyone how spent lunch out of the class came back in.

Time skip (I have never been lazier)

I was about to go home when I realized I still had kenma's lead pencil. I just thought I would give it to him tomorrow because I have no idea where he might be.

I was walking home hoping that my mom and dad actually there. My parents are barely ever home.

As I walked up to my house, that is not that far from the school, I had open the door to only be tackled to the floor by my dog and he started to bark in joy.

"Yeah, I missed you too, just let me get in the house first." I told my dog Zuko as he got off of me. Zuko was a Shepard.

I went in the house and took off my shoes as my feet touched the soft carpeting.

"So is mom and dad hear?" I asked Zuko as he ran to the kitchen to come back with a piece of paper.

He placed it on the floor and barked.

"You want me to read it?" I asked as I picked up the paper and he barked as if saying yes. Then I started to read it aloud. "It says 'Your dad and I went off on another business trip. This one will be about a month so we'll miss your birthday. I'm really sorry I'll come back with a gift sincerely mom'." I said as I finished reading the letter.

As I finished I heard Zuko whimper in sadness.

"Don't worry. This isn't the first time this happens. If it will make you happy we can go to the park and play." I said as his face lit up.

He barked and started to jump and put his paws on my laps.

"Okay wait here I'll go and get ready. And if anything happens bark or come to me, okay." I said as I walked to my room.

I changed into something suitable for running. I picked up Zuko's favorite ball that laid on my bed and left my room.

"Okay, Zuko are you ready." I told him.

He barked in response.

"Okay then, let's go." I said as I opened the front do and garbed onto Zuko's leash.


Word count 1,099

That was great for my first chapter. I could have written more but I'm running out of time.


Until the next chapter, I appreciate your existence.

Bye, bye ❤❤

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