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He picked up the pair of glasses , which he had decided once and for all not to pick up . Not because they didn't belong to him. Not because they didn't suit him but because, well they weren't his to pick up. He held them in his hand and stared intently trying to imagine the boy in the Tower's eye's on the other side of the now shattered lenses.

He slipped them into his pocket as silently and discreetly as he could. The last he wanted would be the other boy telling him to give the glasses back and them both getting into a fight about a broken pair of glasses with missing lenses.

Tyler patted his pocket just to make sure there were there and reached into the back of his pair of dark grey jeans to see if he had any painkillers. Although he might look like he's invincible to most , Tyler still felt the inevitable rush of pain when he picked up his shattered IPod as it dug it's way deep into his left hand , scarring it permanently. Now it had subsided slightly , but somehow he still felt it.

It was pain that Tyler was feeling when he picked up his ancient MP3 Player. He'd just got so fed up of feeling it so often that he finally decided to not feel it anymore , if he could avoid it. Like now, with his scarred hand that still sung with pain , despite him picking up his IPod a number of hours ago which he couldn't recall. The only answer he could see to his question of not feeling his pain was painkillers, more specifically "paracetemol" , which he always had on his person just in case he felt like numbing the pain. Whether he had a reason or not .

However , the small brunette had plenty , enough that he just waved pain goodbye when he felt it , trying to numb it by ridding the sensation from his thoughts , where to him , it hurt most.

Upon opening up the brand-new packet of pills, he held them up to the moon to see which compartments contained the pills that he so desired in order to rid him of his pain. Just to check , he shook the packet gently from side to side , ears searching for the sound of the pills rattling around , waiting to be consumed.

Tyler didn't usually take pills with water. Not anymore , he did have a water bottle though , which was empty . Not that he minded in the slightest about swallowing them dry, as he'd been asked to practice it once as a sick dare from some loser at school who hated his guts. Otherwise he'd end up hanging from the basketball net , for as long as the "loser" wanted him to , and by the losers timing it would've most probably been some-time close to forever, and a few days after.

He counted the number of pills , he'd emptied into his hand. One , Two. Tyler did this just so check that he wasn't overdosing as he knew what that would most likely lead to. It was something that he'd been avoiding the entirety of the time that he'd been taking the pills.


"Don't you get cold up there? I know would. Forget that, I'm always cold !" yelped the boy on the steps , with a hint of frustration at his body's current temperature. He rubbed his hands together in a futile attempt to try and raise it. It usually worked just not this time.

He didn't stop to wonder why. This was because his thoughts were put on pause due to the sound of "Tower Boy's" words hitting his hears once again, regardless of the seemingly vast distance between the two of them.

"Yeah, but you deal with it right ?" This answer wasn't really what either of the two were expecting to hear , but with the time of night , they were.

Tyler sighed. "Apparently so .", thought the small one. This time , the other boy didn't hear a word , because he thought quietly .

But what he didn't know is that would most probably be the last time , he did so , quietly.

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