Chapter 2

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Rose's stardom was growing

Ever since her interview at the Rush Hour Renegades it seemed as if everyone in San Francisco was desperate to meet her. She couldn't go anywhere without being recognized and without signing the occasional autograph for an over enthusiastic teenager.

Today was the first day in weeks that she was able to let her hair down and relax before she would have to go back to her regular schedule. She had just finished washing her hair and was currently laid out in her and her mother's shared apartment as she mindlessly scrolled through channels. She heard the phone ring from the kitchen and threw her head back in annoyance before she got up to answer it.

"Hello?" She answered the phone just before it was about to hang up. "Hello is the residence of Miss. Rose Wilson?" asked the voice in monotone. "Yes it is, may I ask whose calling?" She replied while still watching the tv from the entrance of the kitchen. "This is a representative for San Francisco News Stations and we would like to inform you that the hosts of "Wake up San Francisco" have expressed their interest in you appearing for a segment in the show."

Rose's jaw dropped as she did a silent scream of excitement to herself before answering the man with a polite, "Of course, when will it be?" The man hesitated before responding, "Well... it's a bit short notice but they were hoping that you can come by the studio in the next two hours." Rose was taken aback by the time but nonetheless still told the man she would be there and a few minutes after the call ended  she began to get ready. After thinking it over for what felt like ages she decided on a baby pink dress and  a pair of heels she didn't even know she had.

It didn't take her long to reach the studio  after getting ready and leaving in her car.  In fact, in a matter of minutes she was standing backstage watching Danny and Rebecca talking in front of a live audience. "Welcome back to Wake Up San Francisco! I'm your host Danny Tanner!" Then Rebecca grabbed the mic and said in an equally cherry voice, " And I'm your co-host Rebecca Donaldson! Today we have a special guest for you all!" Danny continued "She's a young up and coming RnB star who has just released her debut studio album  "Fleur Rebelle". "Ladies and Gentleman give it up for Rose!"

Rose entered the stage with a wide grin on her face as she waved to the audience and made her way across the stage to Danny and Rebecca. She sat down and made herself comfortable after hugging both hosts and exchanging words of greeting.  The interview went well after that, Rose talked about her upbringing moving from a small island nation in the Caribbean to California. How she developed her love of music, her biggest inspirations and what she sees herself accomplishing five years from now.

Afterwards, backstage she was getting ready to leave before she was stopped by Danny. "Hi Rose I just wanted to tell you that your interview was  well done and Becky and I would like to thank you so much for coming." Rose smiled before giving Danny a quick hug "It was no problem, I enjoyed it and I'm definitely up for any more y'all plan to do." She was about to leave again before Danny stopped her. "Hey Rose  if it's not too much trouble to ask would you mind coming over for dinner? My daughter DJ loves your music and would love  to meet you."  Rose thought it over before replying "Sure I would love to!"

"Oh thank you so much" Danny sighed as he wiped away imaginary sweat from his forehead. "I already promised her that you would come." Rose laughed before patting Danny's shoulder "It's really no problem, I would love to meet her!" Just at that moment, Becky came out of the break room with a cup of coffee in one hand and a donut in the other, "You guys ready to go?" "Yeah let's head out." Said Danny

Becky, Danny and Rose all went in Danny's car and were en route to the house. Rose seating in the back, placed her head in her hand and asked "Danny do you have a wife?" Danny visibly tensed at the wheel and Becky shot a concerned glance in his direction. "I did...she passed away a few years ago in a car accident." Rose's mouthed gaped as she scrambled to apologize, "Danny I'm so sor-" "Don't worry about it it's fine you didn't know." Danny interrupted. "My best friend and my  Brother-in-law have been helping me with the girls ever since so I guess you can say there's a silver lining to it." Becky looked back at Rose from the passenger seat and smiled "You know, this is my first time visiting Danny's family too, I'm glad I'm not the only one either." Rose smiled back before replying "I'm glad you're here too."

When they arrived at the house, they all came out immediately and Danny walked up and knocked at the door. "DJ! Open the door!" There was some shuffling behind the door before a young girl no older than 13 answered the door. She glanced at Rose before screaming "IT'S ROSE! I LOVE YOUR MUSIC! I THINK YOU'RE SO RAD! CAN I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!" Danny tried to calm his eldest down by hugging her close to his body and saying, "Whoa easy there, I know Rose is a celebrity but you have to treat her like a human being, give her some space." Rose quickly shook her head before saying, "Danny it's fine, I know how teens are when they meet their favorite artists and I would be happy to sign an autograph for her." DJ wiggled out of Danny's arms and enveloped Rose in a bear hug which Rose gladly returned.

"DJ, I also wanted you to meet my new co-host Rebecca Donaldson from Nebraska." Becky smiled from behind Rose and said "Hi DJ, Danny has told me so much about you." DJ smiled as she moved from Rose and replied "All good things I hope." Just then a blond man and two younger girls who resembled DJ appeared from the kitchen covered in flour. "We tried to make pancakes but it didn't work out" he said as he bounced the  baby girl on his hip. He then looked at Rose and Becky with curiosity before realization struck. "You're Rose the singer! And you're Becky the co-host! It's nice to meet you both, I'm Joey, Danny's best friend." Both Rose and Becky replied with how nice it was to meet him . Then the second oldest daughter with the curly hair smiled up at both Rose and Becky. "Hi my names Stephanie Tanner and I think both of you are really pretty!" Flattered, Rose and Becky replied back with how pretty Stephanie was. Afterwards they both doted on Michelle who laughed and giggled with the both of them.

"Hey guys, do you want to watch my first broadcast of Wake up San Francisco?" Danny asked while turning on the TV and cleaning the screen at the same time. Everyone agreed and  gathered around on the couch as Danny played the taped debut of the show. In the middle of the interview between Rose, Danny and Becky, Becky leaned over and whispered in Rose's ear "Didn't Danny say he had a brother-in-law?" "He did I wonder when he's coming." Rose whispered back. Nearing the end of the show there was a knock at the door and Danny sprang up to answer it "That must be Jesse now." He said. 'Jesse?' Thought Rose as her mind immediately pictured the tall tanned interviewer who annoyed her. The door opened to reveal Jesse Katsopolis dressed down from head to toe in black, his hair slightly wet from the rain outside and his helmet in his hands. He seemed to immediately make eye contact with Rose as they both stared each other down. "Becky, Rose I would like you to meet my brother-in-law Jesse." Jesse took off his shades and gave a quick "Hi" to both ladies but still kept his eyes on Rose.

Jesse was plotting
Jesse was desperately trying to find a way to grab Rose's attention. He would clear his throat, adgust his posture and keep glancing in her direction. Eventually his scheme worked out as she glanced at him then he proceeded to gesture to the front door. She gave him a disapproving glance before shaking her head in a no-motion. He gave her a pleading look before she finally caved in and went outside with him.

"Hello again Rose." Smirked Jesse as he gazed over her face which remained unresponsive  to him. "What did you call me out here for?" Rose asked as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked back up at him. "Well..." Jesse started as he rocked back and forth on his heels "I wanted to know of Danny told you anything about me." There was a pause before Rose asked "That's what you called me out for?" Jesse suddenly feeling a rush of confidence  licked his lips and replied "Well yeah, did he tell you I'm a musicianor that I have amazing hair?" Rose returned the smirk then she came closer to Jesse's face and said "He told me that he had a brother-in-law named Jesse."

"Wow what a buildup." He said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "But Rose there was something else I wanted to ask you." He said seriously while gazing into her cocoa brown eyes. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior during the interview and take you out to eat sometime if you want." He said still gazing intently at her. Rose being as petty as she is pretended to think it over while playing with a small curl in her hair before replying "As long as you know it's not a date and we go out for carribean food, you have yourself a deal." "It's a not date." Said Jesse as he shook Rose's hand and they  both reentered the Tanner household.

A.N: Hey guys I tried to make this chapter as interesting and as detailed as possible! I'm sorry again for the late update, I made the chapter extra long to make up for it.
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