Chapter 3

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Rose was apathetic

At the moment she didn't really care much if Jesse only wanted to take her out for dinner to somehow charm his way into her pants or if he genuinely cared to apologize for his previous behavior. He had already called her about an hour beforehand to remind her that he would be picking her up in an hour and that they would be going to Kokkari Estiatorio. She has never heard of the place but apparently they have the best Greek food in San Francisco, according to Jesse that is.

Currently, Rose was sitting down in front of her vanity putting the finishing touches on her makeup and jewelry. She was already in a slinky red slip gown what she had bought a few years ago in L.A and some silver high heels. The low cut dress revealed a large amount of her cleavage and the thigh split on the side left very little to the imagination. Her perfectly manicured red nails tapped on the desk of the vanity as she decided which shade of lipstick she wanted to go with. She ultimately decided on a matte dark red which complimented her dress. She proceeded to pile her box braids into a high ponytail cascading down over her face to the middle of her back.

 She proceeded to pile her box braids into a high ponytail cascading down over her face to the middle of her back

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A sudden ring from the doorbell downstairs startled her out of her train of thought. She gave her self a quick once over in the mirror and quickly grabbed her purse from off the top of the bed. She made her way out of her room down the spiraling staircase in a hurry with her high heels clicking quite loudly against the tile flooring. A sudden wave of anxiousness crossed over her as she walked to the front of the door knowing Jesse was standing right behind it.

For whatever reason that was, she had no clue.

Jesse was excited
This was finally his chance to impress Rose and change her perception of him for the better. He wore a pair of nice black slacks paired with a white t-shirt under a black jacket. He borrowed (more like took without asking) Danny's dress shoes and he had his luscious locks swept back to highlight his gorgeous features. He has been driving for about 20 minutes drawing nearer to the address Rose had given him. He gripped the steering wheel tight in an effort to release some of the nervous energy he had pent up since he started driving. "What if this date just ends up with her hating me more?" He thought as many possibilities and scenarios popped up in his head.

In only took him a few more minutes to pull up to a nice apartment complex where he pulled in and parked. He got out and proceeded to the complex on his left. Okay apartment 512, thought Jessie as he approached the door after having passed many others. Apprehensively, he rang the doorbell and waited patiently for Rose to appear. Not too long afterwards he heard the sound of her heels growing closer to the door before they suddenly stopped. Rose opened the door softly, fully revealing herself to Jesse, who was caught off guard by Rose's attire and stared with his mouth slightly agape. "Hi" Rose said breaking the tension silently brewing between them while leaning against the door frame. Jesse bringing his eyes back up to focus on her face replied "Hi". Rose, being slightly annoyed at his wandering eyes took initiative and grabbed Jesse's hand grinning at him, "Let's go".

The ride to the restaurant was interesting to say the very least. Marvin Gaye's Let's Get it On played softly in the background as they drove and only added to the pair's obvious tension. Jesse took the chance to quickly glance at Rose before placing his eyes back on the road, "You look gorgeous tonight Rose." Turning to look in his direction, the pale white glow of the moon shining in the car making her dark skin look blue, she smiled before replying "I know."

They arrived to the restaurant not long after and Jesse being the gentleman that he is opened the car door for Rose. As she stood up, from Jesse's position he inadvertently got a peak into her dress and spotted her nipple piercing. He tugged his bottom lip between his teeth as he tried to force a normal appearance to Rose who was looking at him in concern. He managed to force a smile on his face before grabbing Rose's hand and inquiring "Shall we?"

They had been seated almost immediately upon entering due to the host recognizing Rose and at this point were just waiting for their food. "Are you serious?" Rose laughed as Jesse continued to tell her about the time he had a fight with one of his classmates during class. "As a heart attack, as soon as the teacher left the guy just got out of his seat and started wailin' on me." Rose chuckled again before her mind travelled back towards the food. "I've never had Greek food before." Rose admitted twirling one of her long braids in her fingers as she gazed across the table at Jesse. Who at the moment was busy eating some of the tyropitakia , looked at Rose in bewilderment, "that's crazy!" He took another one and gestured to Rose "You should try it , it's delicious." Rose  took one from the plate and hesitated before popping it into her mouth, her expression quickly changed from one of apprehension to delight. "This is delicious!" Rose exclaimed as she started to eat more, stuffing her face in the process. "Trust me I know." Jesse grins as he continues eating the pies with Rose.

By the time their food had come they were hardly hungry anymore. Both were too absorbed in their conversation to think about their growing hunger. Jesse was focused in on Rose intently as she began talking  about her childhood growing up in the Caribbean . "It's not that I don't miss it." Rose mumbled as she twirled her straw in her glass of water, "It's just there are more opportunities in the states than in The Bahamas  ya know?" He drummed his fingers on the table as he focused his steely gray eyes on her "I understand what you mean completely." To Rose's surprise the date was actually going really smooth. It was during one of Jesse's many anecdotal stories when Rose realized that he's actually not that bad. Rose couldn't help but bite her lip as she thought about how much of great conversationalist he is. She wasn't used to guys who actually listened and payed attention to her on dates so this was an obvious change for her.

They stayed at the restaurant a little while longer before they decided to call for the check. When the waiter placed it on the table, both of them reached for it. "No Rose dinner is on me." Jesse grinned as he began to pull out his wallet. "No it's fine atleast let me pay half." Said Rose as she looked inside of her purse for any cash she might be carrying around. "Don't worry about it I already paid." Jesse winked. Causing Rose to squint her eyes at him playfully and suck her teeth. Thinking quickly, when Jesse turned his head, Rose quickly took out ten dollars and gave it to their waiter who happened to be passing by. He gave her an appreciative smile which Rose returned before she turned back to look at Jesse. "Ready to go?" Jessie asked as he got out of his chair. "Yeah" Rose replied.

The ride back to Rose's apartment was relatively quiet. Marvin Gaye was playing softly throughout the car again but this time it was his more recent single Sexual Healing. Rose hummed the song as she watched the city of San Fransisco blur at the high speed Jessie was driving. She suddenly felt Jessie intertwine his fingers with her's which caused a bright smile to grow across her face as she brought his hand to her face and gave it a soft kiss. Within a matter of minutes Jessie had pulled up to her apartment complex and they both walked out hand in hand to apartment 512.

As they reached the door with the shiny "512" glaring back at them they stood hand in hand in front of each other, with Rose having to look up slightly at Jesse who was grinning down at her. "I had an amazing time tonight." She said shyly looking down at her silver strappy heels. Jesse brought her chin up and smirked before replying "So did I Rose." Rose smiled before she quickly went on her tippy toes to kiss Jesse gently for a few seconds before she pulled away. "I'll see you later Jessie" breaking him out his trance causing him to smile and reply "I'll call you later!" Rose grinned before she closed the door leaving Jessie alone with his thoughts.

"Have mercy." He thought as he sauntered back to his car with a lopsided smirk on his face.

A.N: Hey Guys! I hope you have enjoyed the chapter and I know it has been a long time since I have updated but I hope this makes up for it.
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