Chapter 5

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As I awaited his majesty's arrival, my mind began to wander. As my fingers traced over the etchings on my armor, memories came flooding back. The Winter War. It was less of a war and more of a battle. For a little over a week, barbarians from the north besieged the Imperial City. They caught the army completely by surprise. The guard, who hadn't had action in years, were no match for the horde. Though only 2 years ago, it feels like a lifetime from then to now. As my fingers skirt over my swords, I recall that final battle.


The falling snow mingled softly with the ashes that rained down from the sky. Though night had fallen, the sky was aglow with fire. The city burned. I stepped out from my tent only to be met by a courier. "Sir, I regretfully inform you that General Vextus is dead.", proclaimed the courier. "Then who is in command?"."You sir.". I stood very still for a moment as the courier quickly left. I paced down the streets as townhouses burned around me. I dodged a falling timber and continued on. Eventually I made it to the gate, where our remaining forces are gathered. I said nothing, for the men knew it was the time. I stood ahead of the column and addressed the men. "You all know what to do. Split into two battle groups. One heads west around the city the other heads east. Once you are engaged the cavalry will ambush their flanks as the guard provides support. But we have to make our push. Now. Understood?". They all nodded in agreement as the gates slowly opened. Later I would learn that for our 500 men they had 10,000. It would feel more like a million. They gates opened and I drew Deus and my crossbow and lead the charge. As soon as we came out we were thrusted into combat. I fired my crossbow and hit a barbarian square in the throat. He gurgled as the blood spilled out from his mouth. The men did as I asked and formed a circle with the archers in the center and their backs to the gate. I reloaded and fired again, hitting another barbarian, this time hitting him square in the eye socket. I did not linger at this sight and holstered my crossbow. Drawing Vult, I ran to the head of the line, putting my swords through the stomach of a man as he spat up his own blood. I removed them from his body and blocked an incoming strike with one sword while shoving the other through his sternum. The crack of the bone was satisfying to say the least. I then slashed two others that were on either side of me. One fell gripping his stomach, the other, his neck. I brought my swords around and pushed them behind me, impaling another attacker. I withdrew my weapons from his corpse and charged in to a group of five barbarians charging one of my men. He was a boy, no more then 15. I wouldn't let him die. I made a running jump with my swords outstretched, decapitating two of the five. I landed on one knee, putting Deus in the ground and shoving Vult through the abdomen of another. I stood up, leaving Deus in the ground. I quickly blocked an over head strike and head butted a barbarian. I then kicked him in the knee and shoved my sword down through his shoulder. The last one charged at me with an axe, but I caught his hand in my grip. I tossed my sword to the ground. I took my other hand and latched on to his throat. Picking him straight up in the air, I heard his attempts at breath. I clenched harder, breaking his windpipe. He crumbled to the ground as I retrieved my swords. I side stepped an on coming blow and slashed at his back. I stood in a pile of bodies. For a single moment all that existed was the clashing of steel. Then a loud roar arose from the woods. Out came the cavalry. Smashing into the weakened barbarians with a tremendous roar, the day was coming to a close. But not yet. I gathered a force of 15 men and headed to the other side of the city's walls. The barbarians there were much more stretched out then at the gate. I deployed the troops I had brought to support the guard and slashed a charging warrior. His blood coated my armor. As I worked my way back through to the main force, I saw the lines of the barbarians breaking and twisting. We had pressed them up against the walls of our own city. I finally made it back to the gate where we had encircled the last pocket of barbarians. I ordered my men to halt. I made my way to the front of the line and addressed the barbarians. "Who is your leader?" I demand. A brute of a man stepped forward. Over six feet tall, the man was a beast. He looked into my eyes with a piercing gaze. He nodded, as if understanding my intention. A wordless conversation between warriors. I gripped my swords firmly. He raised a massive war hammer and growled a sadistic growl. And we waited. For what felt like years we waited. Planing. Plotting. Waiting. Till finally I charged. Sidestepping me he brought the hammer down in an attempt to end me. I rolled quickly and sliced at his shoulder. He was wounded but appeared unfazed. He charged as I sidestepped. However he grabbed my shoulder with his right hand and slammed me to the ground, much to glee of the barbarians and the horrors of my men. He tosses his hammer aside removed my helmet. I received several punches to the face, one after the other after the other, until I was spitting blood from and gasping for breath. He wrapped his hands around my throat as I gasped and choked on my own blood. This is what I wanted. Drawing a dagger from its sheath as I sunk it deep into his neck, cutting open his throat as his blood spilled all over me. Kicking off his limp carcass I returned my helmet to my head and reached for Deus. With a swift blow I removed what was left of his head and placed it on my sword. I raised it high and let out an inhuman scream. The cheers of my men resounded throughout the countryside. I knelt down and prayed in thanks to the Lord. Upon standing I order my men to relive the barbarians of their weapons and send them home. As they marched along in a slim column, I picked up the hammer of the slain warlord. I ran with all my power to the top of the wall and raised it high with a yell. The cheers and applause of my men and the people flooded my ears. The day was ours. It was over.


As the gates to the throne room opened I returned my past memories into reality. I stood as I had for the past hour, awaiting his majesty.

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