Chapter 10

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I awoke on a chair to a knock at my door. I bolted to the door, slamming it open. It was a courier from the Imperial City. "Lord Azrael, The Emperor requests your presence at once.", he said. I dismissed him and went to my study. I put on my armor and called Michael and Erik. Michael perched himself on my shoulder as I stepped out the front door, into the morning mist. I couldn't think of Charles. Not now. This was urgent. I mounted Charlemange and rode at full gallop. I couldn't focus on the night before. It was the here and now. The tears welling up in my eyes were irrelevant. His majesty wouldn't need me unless it was urgent. Not this early anyways. The metal of my face mask was damp in the morning mist as I rode Charlemange the hardest I could. As I neared the city, I saw something very unusual. It was alive with activity. Guards were all over the walls. Noise could be heard from all around. Something huge was happening. The gates opened and the guards saluted me, but there was no grand entrance this time. No civilians to bow and kneel. Then again it was four in the morning. I dismounted Charlemange and ran up the stairs of the tower, with Erik following in toe. I got to the throne room, wheezing and gasping for breath. I opened the door, only to see the Emperor surrounded by advisors and generals alike. I'd say twenty in all. As the door slammed against the wall, they all stood at attention. They had all fled or hid during the Winter War, leaving me to fight with what they had left me. Cowards. All of them. The throne room had a cast over light, with the candles leaving twisted shadows and silhouettes all throughout the bright marble room. I looked to the Emperor. His eyes were that of a tired man, not the lively young lord I had seen just a day before. I had seen this look once before. He turned to me saying," Azrael. It's war. The Tharelians attacked a settlement last night.". I replied," I know, one tried to kill me. He got Carolus.". He stated firmly," It's war Azrael. Gather the men.". I now knew what all the commotion was for. I slowly walked down the stairs. Tharelius was a small kingdom, consisting of only 3 cities and one settlement. What caused their sudden burst of stupidity is unknown to me, but I will slay them none the less. I walked to Charlemange and mounted, glancing over at the parade grounds, which was starting to fill with troops. Ever since the Winter War, our numbers have swelled tenfold. An army of one million men, not including catapults and ballistas and trebuchets, assembled in the courtyard. A far cry from the small force that defend the city a few short years ago. We were a force to be reckoned with now. Then, our armor would gleam in the sun as we charged into desperate battles. Now, the black and crimson force before me will never again be outmatched. I designed this army. Heavy black and red steel armor. Shortswords and shields. Specialized archer units. And the heart of it all, heavy cavalry. They could fight on horseback and on foot. The unit was made of veterans from the Winter War. My men. Though they won't admit it, they are loyal to me first and the Emperor second. This was my army. The men loved me because I led from the front, not the rear like a general. And now, it was time to test their strength. I made my way up the city walls, to the gate where I stood atop the wall and turned to the men. A silence came over the land as the sun began to rise in a mix of red and orange hues." Men! You know why you are here! You all know that the enemy as dared to cross this empire! Now they will suffer for it! For most of you, this will be your first battle! For some, this will be your last. I will lead you all, and if I must, die! But we will win the day! For the glory of the empire! For your homes! For your brothers! We will fight! And we will win!". It wasn't a very good speech. But with a chorus of Deus Vults from the crowd, it appears they liked it. I walked down and mounted Charlemange as the gates opened before me.

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