The Beginning

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It was a cold winter morning. Cold enough for him to see his own breath. With his hands in his pockets, he tried to thaw his freezing self. You might wonder why he was out so early, despite it being so dreadfully cold. Well, he was waiting for someone, you see. And it wasn't just anyone. It was the love of his life, though he was still unknowing of this fact. Currently, the person was simply the one he hated the most. Yes, perhaps even the word despise would suit this situation. His disliked was for a good reason too, he had after all slighted many times in the past.

The sound of footsteps behind him let him know the eyesore had arrived. Probably grinning or smirking, or whatever you would call that thing he did. Some people found it charming, but our disgruntled hero found it nothing of the sort.

"Hi Jungkook." The supposed charmer said with that voice that was too deep. It was in dissonance with his big innocent eyes. Though they weren't always entirely innocent looking, for they belonged to a quite mischievous and cheeky young man. His name was Taehyung, and Jungkook wanted nothing to do with him.

"Let's just get this over with." Jungkook mumbled as he shuffled uncomfortably with his feet in the snow.

"Yeah, we should probably hurry up." Taehyung agreed. The sun would go up any time now, they needed to get their cameras ready quickly, or this would all be for nothing, and they could say goodbye to the A that they wished for. They both liked photography very much, and really wanted to get good grades in the subject.

Waiting for the sun was awkward. At least in Jungkook's opinion. He had never been good with people. Taehyung seemed more relaxed, taking time to enjoy the view of the sky slowly waking up.

They got ready to snap their photos. Both of them were still. They were hardly noticeable in the dim lights next to the bushes they were crouching by. For some time, the only sounds heard were the chirping of birds and dry leaves caught in the wind. Eventually the sun was up, and they packed up their cameras.

"That was beautiful." Said Taehyung, looking fondly at the view unfolding in front of him. Jungkook glanced at him. He didn't want to answer. Instead, he started walking. He wanted to get home and get some sleep. Taehyung followed in his track, since only one trail led out of this remote area. He did not sense Jungkook's disliking of him at all. But indeed, it would be difficult to discern that from Jungkook, since he had a very guarded disposition and showed his true emotions only on rare occasions.

"Do you want a ride?" Taheyung asked when they neared his parked car.

Jungkook stopped, and faced Taehyung. "No. Why would I want to go anywhere with you." He muttered, before turning around and stomping away in the snow, which was about 10cm deep.

Taehyung's mouth hung open. He wondered why Jungkook had reacted so strongly to his friendly offering. It didn't make sense to him at all. It wasn't like he had done anything rude, so what could have prompted such a response? Remaining puzzled, he got into his car. Driving wasn't his strong side, but he was proud to say he could manage decently on the roads. He had never been in an accident, to the the great relief and surprise of his friends. They could never relax completely whenever Tae was behind the wheel. This, Tae found a bit unfair. Because really, he wasn't THAT bad at driving.

On his way home, Taehyung passed Jungkook. He wanted to offer him a ride again, but decided against it. He didn't want to agitate him further. When he got home, Taehyung put on some jazz and phoned his friend, Jimin. They had been friends for ages. So long in fact, that Taehyung barely remembered how they met. He was pretty sure one of them had poured sand on the other's head, but he couldn't remember if it was Jimin or he himself who was the culprit. Anyhow, their friendship had blossomed in no time.

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