21. Rebellious

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Ages 17, Senior Year

Kenneth played basketball outside with his friends til it started getting dark. "You guys want to come in for dinner? My mom is making nachos tonight."Kenneth asks. "Nah, my parents will start calling around now. We'll see you at practice tomorrow right?"Zach asks. "Yeah, of course."Kenneth nods before walking inside.

"Kenneth? Is that you?"Caroline asks walking out of the kitchen. "Yeah mom, I'm going to go wash up."Kenneth speaks walking upstairs. "Do me a favor and let your sisters know dinner is ready in ten minutes."She requests. "Sure thing."He answers.

He knocks on Hope's door while holding his basketball in his hand. "Hey, mom said to be down in ten."He calls after hearing no answer. He makes his way down the hall to Claire's room. Classical music plays lightly in her room signaling she's either studying or doing homework.

He knocks on her door before hearing her voice. "Yeah?"She asks. He opens the door to her light pink room. Everything was organized and neat to the bone. "Mom said dinner is ready in ten."He smiles before closing her door. She sighs looking over her flashcards once again.

She had a huge test tomorrow and it was really messing with her. "Only one more year of high school."She sighed. The pressure of getting into Harvard ate her away. Senior year was everything.

She got up and grabbed her phone meeting in the dining room. Her phone started to vibrate as she set up the table. She turned on her phone seeing a message from Daniel.


Hey, Claire. Meet me at our hideout tomorrow afterschool so we could study for that Cal test.


Yeah, fine. Night, Danny.


It's only six...


Whatever, loser.

Claire put her phone in her pocket and finished up as Caroline showed up with the dishes. "Hey, how you feeling?"Caroline asked placing dishes on the table. "Um, stressed. Our Physics teacher decided we needed a huge test on a Monday."Claire rolls her eyes.

"At least you're almost at Harvard."Caroline smiles. "Yeah, but this last year has to be better than ever before."Claire sighs taking some hair behind her ear.

Hope groaned pulling the cover over her. Hope wiped her face feeling herself wakeup. She rolled over to her back and seen nothing but darkness. "Drew..Drew."She shook the body next to her. "Yeah?"He mumbles turning over as well. "What time is it? My parents are going to kill me."She groans sitting up. She turns on his lamp looking for her clothes.

"Just let them know you were at a study group and lost track of time."He answers grabbing his phone. "It's only five after six."He adds sitting up. "Drive me back home."Hope demands grabbing her bra. "Fine."He sighs rubbing his eyes. They get into his car and stop a few blocks before Hope's gate.

"You going to come back over tomorrow right?"Drew asks. "I don't know. You going to offer something more than the dick between your legs?"She asks finishing her cigarette. "It depands on how far you're willing to go next time."He smirks. She pulls him into a hard lengthy kiss before opening the door.

"In your dreams, Drew."She smirks before stepping out. He laughs then pulls off. She takes her time walking to the gate of the mansion before making her way to her bedroom window. She climbs inside and checks her phone. She ignores all her messages and sprays some perfume onto herself.

She made her way downstairs after changing out of her clothes. "Glad you could finally join."Caroline smiles as Hope takes her seat next to Kenneth. "Yeah, I was in the shower."She lies starting her meal. She takes a drink of her cup of blood as Klaus finally makes an appearance at the head of the table.

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