.03 - Family Feud

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After Lydia's freak out at the ice rink, Charlie offered to drive her home. Lydia's mom greeted them at the door and after hearing about what happened, as well as everything else that Lydia has been going through since homecoming, she decided it was best to schedule her an appointment with the guidance councilor.

Even in her shaken state, Lydia tried rejecting the idea, but Mrs. Martin was insistent on her going. Charlie could sense Lydia's discomfort, so she offered to go with her for moral support and drive her to school. Lydia's mom beamed at the idea while Lydia hesitantly agreed. Charlie bid the Martins farewell and drove back home.

When Charlie pulled into her drive way and stepped out of her car, she could hear loud voices from inside her home. Although she couldn't quite make out what they were saying, she could tell that they were in a heated argument. Eager to put a stop to the quarrel, Charlie rushed over to her house, swinging the front door open.

"I will not be disrespected in my own home young lady!" Charlie's father, Michael, yelled at Erica who rolled her eyes, typing away on her phone. "You better explain what's gotten in to you. We got a call from the school saying that you were taken to the hospital and then you waltz in a few hours later looking like - like this." he seethed.

"Why can't you just be happy for me, dad? Look at me! I'm no longer that fragile, sick little girl. I've changed into something better. Why can't you just accept that? I thought you'd be proud of me!" Erica shouted, slamming her phone down on the table.

Michael Reyes let out a humorless chuckle. "I'm not proud of my daughter becoming a slut."

"Dad!" Charlie was shocked that her father would say something so harsh to his own daughter.

"I'm finally happy with myself and that's how you think of me?"

"Why can't you just be more like Charlie?"

"Come on, don't say that!" Charlie pleaded.

"It always comes back to your precious little Charlie, doesn't it, dad?" Erica spat, ignoring her sister. "I'm not Charlie, and I'll never be Charlie. I'll never be the kind, loving, perfect daughter that she is. If you won't accept me then maybe I'll just leave. It's not like you'll notice anyways, you have Charlie, the daughter you actually care about!" Erica picked up her phone and stomped towards the door, shoving past Charlie in the process.

"If you walk out that door, don't you ever come back!"

"I wouldn't dream of it." and with that, the older Reyes twin yanked open the front door and slammed it shut behind her.

Charlie didn't know what to feel as she stood glued to her spot. She was angry with Erica for not telling her about her sudden change, but she was way angrier at their father for the way he treated her, as well as their mother for just standing there, silently nodding along with their father's arguments. She also felt heartbroken that her twin sister was practically kicked out of the house. All Erica wanted was to be loved and excepted like Charlie had been, but instead the exact opposite had happened. Charlie felt her eyes pool with tears. Her twin sister, her literal other half had just been kicked out of the home they grew up in together. Sure they weren't the closest of siblings, but they still loved each other. Even when Erica would get mad or blame Charlie for something, she couldn't help but love her older twin with all her heart.

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