My Simple Story of Bullying.

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O man. Where do I begin?

I was bullied from 1st grade till the end of my senior year in high school for many different things. I was one of those people that got it all and I hated it so much. I got bullied for being smart and willing to participate in class. I got bullied for being overweight. I got bullied because I was quiet most of the time and people would think I was weird. I got bullied for being poorer than others.

I was bullied by my parents growing up. They told me I wouldn't amount to much when they were high off drugs or drunk beyond belief. I didn't live in a proper family scene growing up. At age 10 I was given to my grandparents by the police department after a drug raid at my house. This caused so much bullying that it drove me into depression. After that I was adopted by this family who seemed nice...  But Appearances are deceiving and they bullied me for so many things and hit me. I ran away from home from it and soon was placed in the foster system, soon after my grandparents adopted me again and I went to high school. Like I said I was bullied for so many things.

I have thought about suicide four times in my life and almost followed through with it twice. I have self-harmed before and after those things I decided enough was enough.

One of my biggest dreams in life is to help inspire people and change the world. Yes everyone wants to do that, but I really want too. I want to help people who haven't had the best childhood, been adopted, been in the foster system or can't reach their dreams because they're afraid. I want to help those who have been bullied and let me them know there is a better path of life.  I know how they feel because I've been there. I want them to realize that they are loved. I don't want to see people get hurt because of it. I've lost a couple friends to those things. They ended it all. THAT'S WHY I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD!!!

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