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jackson avery

I walked around the hospital looking for Ken. She was one of my best friends here and we really bonded over the past few weeks, it's nice to know that i have a friend since the merger.

I looked everywhere, every on-call room and every supply closet. until I walked until the last supply closet and walked around I turned the corner and saw reed and kendall laying on the ground, gun shots placed on their bodies.

I was shocked I checked Kendall's pulse and found one, then tried Reeds and got no one. I picked up Kendall and started to run out of the supply closet.

"Help! Help! I need some help here!"

Torres immediately looked at me and stared with horror.

"W-What the Hell happened! What the hell!"

"I-I don't k-know" I stuttered.

As other doctors surrounded Kendall and got her to a bed, everyone surrounded her. Her pulse was uneven and she was on the thread.

"She's Coding!"

I looked over at the monitor and got the paddles.

"Charge to 200!-Clear"


"Charge to 250!-Clear"

She gasped and opened her eyes. She looked in horror, she then started to code again.

I couldn't handle it, my best friend- the person who I talked to for not even 2 months at the moment. She got me , and there was something about her I couldn't let slip. She was something alright.

I walked out of the room in anger and sadness. And rushed into a on-call room. and crashed on the bed. I looked up at the ceiling and felt a single tear dropping. down my face.

I couldn't believe it, the girl who I felt feelings for, the girl who was my best friend- was dying.
I felt another tear down my face and started thinking about kendall.

until my thoughts were interrupted by dozens of gunshots.

I ran out of the on-call room in horror, seeing an older man with a gun in his hand shoot a nurse and then continued to barge up the stairs of the hospital. I looked at the nurse, horrified. But my mind immediately started to think about kendall. I ran into her room, but she wasn't there.

My thoughts were interrupted by the screaming of the everyone around me. As I ran toward OR 2 the closest operating room near where kendall was at.

I looked in toward the OR and saw Dr.Hunt and Dr.Altman take out the bullet from kendall's body. I gulped and quickly walked into the room. "I-Is she okay?" I stuttered.

"Yes,she's fine Avery now it's code lockdown, go somewhere safe, we are just about to close her up." Altman said to me.

I gulped, looked the opposite direction and spoke up,"I'm not leaving."

I look them both dead in the eye and they both went back to closing Kendall up.

As I heard the people screaming outside, I sat and thought about it for moments. and it felt like i heard muffled voices and everything went in slow motion. I was in shock. people were dying. And all i was doing was sitting around and waiting, waiting on something to happen.

Then I heard my name being called. And I stepped inside to the OR once again Dr.Altman began to speak to me.

"Ok, Avery. Kendall is going to wake up in a few short minutes. And when she wakes up you need to be there and explain to her everything. And you need to stay here with her during lockdown, and if you here the shooter during any of this. Hide."


"No buts Avery, now I got to go to my job, while risking my life. For the thousandth time."

And with that she left the room.

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