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kendall adams

as of right now, there are tears streaming down my face and i can't stop them. i don't care if it's 3 o clock in the afternoon and i'm not anywhere close to finishing my shift. I don't care if multiple patients and doctors can see me. I don't care about anything right now. Nothing at all.

I run through the hallways until I finally make it to the attendings lounge. I slam the door behind me and slide down the door. why do I always mess things up? why am I even here right now? jackson probably hates me.

suddenly, I'm knocked back into reality when someone calls my name," ken? what's wrong?"

I look over to my right and I'm faced with no other then Alex. I look at him and just simply shake my head, so he walks over and sits beside me.

hugging my side he speaks up," if it's about that avery kid, i'll beat his ass if her hurt you. you got that?"

I laugh," no no he didn't, we just got into this argument and he yelled at me Alex. he's never yelled at me before. Sure we have gotten into fights but none this serious."

He looks at me with pity and just sighs. by now, the whole hospital knows what is going on with jackson's long lost daughter and who she is. It's pretty clear that our argument was about that, so Alex doesn't bother asking.

"Couples get in fights all the time, you just have to stick through it ok? Just try."

After he says this, we sit in silence for a few minutes, until I face him and stare into his eyes. He looks back at me and all of a sudden he's leaning in and our lips touch.

I quickly push Alex off of me. "Alex? What the fuck?" I yell, getting up.

He's barely saying words in a complete sentence and stutters.

"I-Ken-No! It was an accident!"

Instead of staying, I run out the room with steam coming out of my ears. At this point, fuck my shift, I walk out the hospital and start charging down the street.

It's funny how things can change in the course of 30 minutes.

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