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Pascale and Millard returned to the house. Pascale went straight to her and Beverly's room, while Millard and Beverly sat in the hallway to talk.

"How's she doing?" Beverly asked, taking a sip of tea.

Millard took a sip of his tea as well, and took a intake of breath. He chose his words carefully, not wanting to overshare and overstep his boundaries. He had caught Pascale in a moment of weakness, and she shared some things she probably wouldn't have shared otherwise. "Not good" he said. Millard wanted to say more, but the words just didn't seem to form in his brain.

Beverly rose an eyebrow. "That's it?"

Millard shrugged, despite her not being able to see it. Beverly pushed the door open slightly, seeing that Pascale was fast asleep on her mattress. Curled up in a little ball, her head squished between two pillows. Millard sighed and chugged the rest of his tea.

"Well, I'm retiring to bed. Goodnight" he said, standing.

"Night" Beverly replied, getting up and entering her bedroom.

"Go away" Pascale whined, as she was being shaken awake. Beverly hovered above her.

"C'mon Pascale, you gotta eat, then Millard has another English lesson" Beverly said.

Pascale shoved her away. "No, I don't want to get up. I want to sleep for the rest of my life" she mumbled.

Beverly stroked the girls hair. "I know getting up must seem completely unimaginable right now, but you at least need to eat."

Pascale buried her head further into the pillow. "I'm not hungry."

Beverly sighed. "Fine, I'll be right back."

No more then five minutes later, Beverly returned. She was holding a bowl of oatmeal. She shoved the bowl into Pascale's face, as she was now sitting upright. "Eat" Beverly ordered.

"I'm not hungry" Pascale repeated. Beverly gave her a stern look, and Pascale reluctantly began to eat.

Millard was reading in the library when Pascale walked in. She was more then embarrassed from the previous night.

"How are you feeling?" Millard asked. Pascale gave him an odd look, and he realized he had asked the question in English. "Right, sorry" he frowned, then asked again in French. Pascale shrugged and plopped beside him at the table. Millard hesitated. "Shall we begin then?" Pascale nodded, though she didn't say anything.

Millard tried to teach, but Pascale was struggling. She wasn't getting it, and she would zone out. He knew better then to get frustrated, though she obviously was.

"I'm not getting it. I can't do it. It's useless" Pascale sighed. She rested her head on the table and closed her eyes.

"It's alright. It was cruel of me to even plan this lesson. You just suffered a huge loss, I would honestly be blown away if you did get any of this." Pascale offered a small smile.

"Sorry" she whispered.

"Why are you apologizing?" Millard asked. He resisted the urge to run his hand through her blond locks. She looked so completely exhausted, it almost pained him to see her in such a state.

Pascale shook her head. "My head just feels like a hurricane, and it's so god damn loud in this house I can't focus on anything."

Millard awkwardly touched her arm. "I agree, it is way to loud in this house. You get used to it after a while" he chuckled lightly. Pascale offered a small smile in return. "As for the hurricane in your head, you should know that the centre, or the eye, of the hurricane is the calmest. Maybe if you found a happy thought, that could be your metaphorical eye. Something calming, perhaps." Millard gently rested his hand over hers.

"In the eye of the hurricane, there is quiet" Pascale said.

"In the eye of the hurricane, there is quiet" Millard repeated.

Pascale sat up properly again. "You're so wise Mr. Nullings. How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well thank you. It seems you are the only one who really appreciates my intelligence. I'm eighty years of age, and please, just call me Millard."

Pascale smiled nervously. "I'd like to hug you, but I don't exactly know where you are..."

Millard's eyes opened in shock and surprise. "Oh, um, right, okay" he rambled. He reached forward and wrapped his arms around Pascale. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Zank you" she whispered, in English, her French accent very heavy. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Millard beamed.

The trees were all decorated in fairy lights. The stars twinkled in the sky. Candles flickered on a long patio table that was set out on the lawn. A vase filled with daisies, sat in the middle of the table. A record player sat on a small table nearby, with vinyl records stacked neatly beside it.

"Don't we usually eat dinner inside?" Pascale asked Beverly as they made there way to their seats at the table.

"Yes, but today we are celebrating" Beverly replied with a smile.

"What are we celebrating?" Pascale continued.

"You." Beverly seated herself, Pascale following suit. "It's not everyday we get a new Peculiar joining us. Me and a few others talked to Miss. P, and she said it sounded like a great idea to have a small celebration, to welcome you. It would also be a great opportunity to meet everyone. I also thought it would be a nice way to distract you."

Pascale nodded. "Zat was very..." she started in English. She searched for the right word, though soon reverted back to French. "...considerate of you." She leaned over to hug her friend.

"I understand if you want to head back inside early though. I know this might be a little bit much for you. I thought this would be a nice way to welcome you officially."

"I know" Pascale whispered.

Beverly smiled. "I'm sure you'll pick up English soon enough." She patted her gently on the head.

Children began to file out of the house and join the girls at the table, Miss. Peregrine among them. She stood at the head of the table, and spoke.

"Before we get started with this meal. I would like to personally welcome Pascale Bellamy to our home. She will now be joining our Peculiar family. We are ever so grateful that you are here with us. Though you have suffered much loss in the past, we hope that you will be able to find peace here, with all of us."

Of course Pascale couldn't understand any of this, so Beverly was whispering the translation in her ear. The girl had tears forming in her hazel eyes. "Zank you all" she said, whipping her eyes. Beverly placed her hand over Pascale's.

And so everyone began to eat. Miss. Peregrine put on one of the vinyl records. Familiar jazz music filled the air, Pascale instantly perked up. Millard was sitting on the other side of Pascale, wearing clothes for once: a nice vest and some pants.

"Did you know that daisies symbolize innocence, love, loyalty, purity, and cheerfulness?" Millard said to Pascale.

Pascale blushed slightly. "Um, no, I didn't."

"Of course she didn't. You are literally the only person who could possibly know that. Or would care enough to know, for that matter" Beverly interjected.

Millard laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment." He then directed his voice at Pascale. "Consider this my contribution to the party."

I finally watched the movie. I felt it was still really good, and I could have really enjoyed it, but I was too distracted by everything that wasn't in the books to really focus on it.

I was listening to the Chicago soundtrack while writing this so that was fun.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I know it as kind of short but I'm hoping the next one will be longer.

QOTD: Favourite TV/Netflix show?
AOTD: The Crown, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Hell On Wheels, Glee, Medici: Masters of Florence (I'm only on the first episode but it's fricken good).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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