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So at my school there is this White English teacher who is probably aged in her 30's, early 40's at the latest. My friends and I didn't have her as a teacher throughout the year but she ended up being the organizer to the camp that we chose at the end of the year. I thought that everything my brothers (who had her in the past) was a lie as I got to know her during camp, she seemed nice to us all but there was just one tiny little problem.  

She tries way too hard to fit in with all of the other students.

For example; she abbreviates everything that she says. My favourite abbreviation is Libes (Short for Library)

But the worst thing she did was honestly so cringey I wanted to spoon my eyes out with a spork. The boys in the back of our van were listening to a rap song based on gangs and all that with the main chorous lyric being "yoza" (which basically is a slang term for whats up? but is commonly used by white kids in our high school who think they're black which is why I find it cringey really). Our english teacher then wound down her window, stuck her fist out and yelled "Yoza!" and I almost killed myself right then and there. 

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