7. Vacation

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"Wait up Suzuka ! Where are we going ?"

"Nene's back ! Come on, Ohmura-san !" I was running down the streets with only my phone in my hand. I hurried out of the house as soon as I read the text message, heading to the station where Nene said to meet up. And there she is, waiting for me at the train station, leaning against the pole of one of the light posts that illuminate the station.

"It's so good to see you, Su."

"Don't leave me ever again." I said as I threw my arms around her tiny body. "You grew taller since last time I saw you."

She giggled, breaking the hug and looking at me afterwards with her sweet smile that she always has, playing on her lips. "I've only been gone for three weeks, Su. I even came home earlier than I supposed to." She gave me a peck on the cheek before hugging me again. "I have so many things to tell you. How about you come to my place tonight ?"


"So you didn't know about this either, right ?" I asked while I was laying down sideways on her bed with my head resting on her shoulder.

"No, I only found out when I arrived to Osaka and my mom told me to bow down politely to my aunt and my older cousins. I saw nothing but four foxes sitting on the couch and I knew something was up because, come on, foxes in an apartment in downtown Osaka seems a little bit bizarre."

"I wasn't fine with it at first but I'm starting to get used to it. By the way, can you transform completely ? I can't, I can only make my ears and tail appear."

"I can, it's kinda fun being able to run freely."


"I missed you, Nene." I said as I nuzzled my face into her chest. I'm so happy that she's back home that I'm almost can't control my excitement.

"I missed you too, Su. I missed you very much." She gave me a peck on the forehead before covering us with a blanket and turning off the lamp from her nightstand.


"Did you confess to Moa last night ?" I asked Yui as we were washing dishes in the kitchen. We got in trouble for being out all night; I was at Nene's house while Moa and Yui somewhere around the garden but granny punished them anyways. I deserved it to be honest because I didn't tell anybody that I will be gone last night, but it's unfair for the two girls because they just hang out around the house. So as a punishment, she made me and Yui to wash the dishes and Moa to help her gardening.


"Look, me and my best friend are going to her parents' beach house for a few days. How about you two come with us ? I don't think she will mind if you'll come along." I told her as I wiped my hands dry in one of the kitchen towels. Nene suggested that we should go to the beach for a few days since it's the last week of our summer break. I wanted us to be alone but it's a great opportunity for Yui to finally confess her feelings for Moa.

"I don't know... You want to leave granny here alone ?"

"Granny will be fine, she has Fujioka-san. So ? You wanna come or not ?"

"Come where ?" We were interrupted out of nowhere by Moa. You can't have a conversation in this house without someone else listening, seriously ? I've noticed that during lunch the two of them were a little bit awkward around each other. Moa also didn't seem to be mad at me for what happened last night, I hope she alright.

"To the beach."

"Why ?" She asked me confused as she entered the kitchen and took a popsicle from the freezer.

"Because I said so. We are leaving tomorrow morning so you better start packing."

"Ok. I'm going back to help granny, I just came in for a snack." She walked out the door without saying anything else, making me and Yui just grin at each other.

"So ? You'll join us, right ? You will have the chance to see her in a swimming suit." She blushed after hearing what I just said and punched me playfully on my arm.

"Don't say such things !!" Her face is now even a deeper shade of red that is was before.

"Are you really planning to go away without any adults with joining you ?" Ohmura-san appeared in the kitchen followed by Boh-san, both of them looking very unpleased with our short vacation and our decision.

"Oh, come on ! You and the other guardians are coming with us. It's not like we are alone." I said as I crossed my arms to my chest, glaring at the two ghostly men in front of me. Yui didn't say anything; I noticed that she's obeying whatever people tell her, unlike me. I always talk back to people and I never listen to what others tell me.

"Boh-san, do it for Yui. Please, let us go !" I can't believe I'm pleading them; I'm not sure if granny will give us the permission but I think she will be fine with it if the guardians are going to be around.

"Fine, fine. But, if you get in trouble, we are coming home immediately." Said the bald guardian before disappearing. Ohmura-san just shook his head and laughed before talking out through the wall.


The trip with the train took about four hours and now we are finally here ! I've been here before with Nene and her parents a long time ago and it seems like the house and the town didn't change at all. The house is situated just outside the town by the beach so we get a nice view from the house's balcony and the town is near which means we can visit it whenever we want.

"Let's go and have lunch, I'm starving." Nene placed her suitcase in the living room and went outside almost immediately. I did the same thing and followed her.

"I hope you don't mind."

"Mind what ?"

"Yui and Moa being here with us."

"Ah, no. I'm actually glad they are here. It would have been so boring just the two of us." She took my hand in mine and gave it a light squeeze. I smiled but when I was about to say something Nene begin shouting.

"Princess, shorty ! What is taking you so long ?"

"Oh my god ! Will you stop calling me shorty ? I'm not short ! My height is cute and you're just jealous of it !" Moa came out the house and Yui shortly after, having a large hat on her head and sunglasses on her face.

"I needed to put on sunblock lotion, sorry."

"Ok, princess." Nene kept calling them this way for some reasons but it doesn't bother Yui as much as it bothers Moa and I understand why hehe.

After we had lunch at a seafood restaurant in town, we came back to the house where we unpacked our stuff and got ready for a afternoon on the beach.

"Does this look good on me ?" I asked Nene as I was looking at myself in a mirror. I have nothing on but a red two-pieced swimsuit and a pair of black sandals that I got today earlier from the town. We didn't have time to buy anything beach related yesterday so we went shopping today after we left the restaurant.

"Yes. Now stop pocking your tummy, you're not fat." She hugged me from behind before turning me around so I'm now facing her.

"How do I look ?" She's wearing a deep purple swimsuit with a white see through dress on top and a pair of white sandals.

"Kinda hot actually."

"Oh, really ? Do you like what you see, Su ?" She smirked at me and wanted to approach me but I ran to the other side of the room. "Come here. Why are you running around ?"

"Nene, stop teasing me !"

A/N: I know, I know. This chapter is all over the place and I apologies for that.  Sorry !! T^T I'm going to hide in the corner in shame for writing such a crappy chapter. Bye bye !

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