10. Plans for the future

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It's been a month since school started and a few things changed at home. Granny bought a bunk bed for Yui and Moa and we stopped with the training because autumn came and the weather is not in our favour. I still share my bedroom with the two girls but not the bed; I begin feeling awkward to sleep in the same bed as them since they got together so I asked granny if she could get a new bed for them but she got two instead. They are only using the top bed and on the bottom one they keep some of their belongings.

And here I am again, walking around the village in the middle of the night with Ohmura-san. I can't sleep even though I'm tired and tomorrow I need to go to school, but that didn't hold me back from escaping from the house. I sneaked out without anyone knowing; the girls were sleep and granny prabably was too.

"Can I ask you something, Ohmura-san ?"

"Go ahead."

"Have you ever been in love ?" He just laughed after hearing my stupid question.

"We can't feel, Suzuka. Our only purpose is to protect the vixens. The only feeling we can have is safety; we are feeling safe if the vixen we serve is also feeling the same way."


"Why ? Oh my god ! Did you fell in love with me and you wanted to know if I feel the same ?"

"What ?! No !"

"I know, I know. I'm just joking around." He begin laughing again, making me kind of annoyed. "Is that person who I think it is ?" I nodded my head head but before I could answer him someone interrupted us.

"Su ? What are you doing here ?" Nene appeared out of nowhere together with Aoyama-san, her guardian.

"I can ask you the same, it's passed midnight already."

"I couldn't sleep."


We walked around for I don't know much time but we eventually stopped at a bench somewhere outside the village. We sat down and I immediately nuzzled myself against her; I guess wearing only a thin jacket was not enough to keep me warm. She's been acting weird since we met this night but I can't figure out why and Aoyama-san kept whispering some things to Ohmura-san, both of them giggling.

"You're shivering. Let's go home."

"No, I'm fine. I just want to stay here with you."

However in the end we did what she said, we went home but to my house because I really didn't want to let her go. The next day we woke up, dressed up and went to school not because we wanted, but because granny didn't let us skip classes again. None of us could concentrate on the lectures because we were tired and we eventually left after two hours.

"We have just a few months until we graduate, what do you plan to do after ?" I asked her after we reached the back part of the library where no one ever comes. I sat down on the floor and rested my back against the shelves with books behind me.

"I'm not sure yet... Maybe I'll move to Tokyo, go to college, take you with me, marry you." What did I just heard ?


"You already love me as a best friend, loving me as a lover is not that different." I didn't say anything, I don't know how to respond to this.

"It's okay if you don't want to. I know it came out of nowhere. I'm sorry."

"I stopped loving you as a friend a long time ago." I said looking straight in front of me at the row of books that slightly tilt sideways, leaning on each other.

"Where are you going ?" I asked as I saw her getting up and picking up her bag. "Are you crying ?" I also stood up and hugged the crying girl beside me. I rarely saw her cry in the past and seeing her like this really breaks me.

"You didn't let me finish what I had to say, silly. I stopped loving you as a friend because I began falling in love with you." She took the bag off of her shoulder and begin looking for something in it. She slipped a silver ring on my finger before saying, "Will you marry me ?"


I skipped down the stone path from the station, then on the small streets until I reached my house. I just rushed to my bedroom and closed the door behind me, not paying attention when granny was calling for me.

"Su-chan, granny needs help to cook dinner. Where did you ran off so quickly ?" Moa came into the room, looking for me.

"I need to change, just give me a moment."

After she left, I took off the ring from my finger and placed it in the drawer beside my bed to keep it hidden from everyone's view. I changed into some comfortable clothes and went to the kitchen where Moa and Yui were already helping granny to cook our dinner.

"What happened today at school that made you be so cheerful ?" Asked granny as we were in the middle of eating.

"Eh ? Nothing important. I just got a good grade in math."

"Oh, but that's important. Good job, dear !"

"How was your day, granny ?" I asked her with my mouth half full but still I kept stuffing more food into my mouth.

"Great. I was looking on the internet for some apartments in Tokyo for the three of you. You'll have to go to college and you two need continue highschool."

"Tokyo ?"

"You want to go to another city ? Tokyo has the best universities though."

"No, no. Tokyo is perfect !"

"Granny, you won't come with us ?" Yui asked after we finished eating.

"No. I'll be alright as long as you will come and visit me at least twice a month." We nodded our heads and smiled; our granny is the best !

"I volunteer to wash the dishes today !" I picked up the empty plates and brought them to the sink where Ohmura-san already prepared the hot water and the soap.

After finishing with the dishes and cleaning the whole kitchen, I went to my bedroom to do my homework but once I got there...

"Oh my god Su-chan ! Congratulation !" Both of the girls hugged me and congratulated me but I don't know for what. For going to college or for getting that good grade in math that I totally lied about ?

"For what ?"

"For getting engaged to Nene-chan ! Ah, I can't believe it ! It's so magical and beautiful !" Moa was spinning around and jumping in excitement.

"Ohmura-san..." I glared at my guardian who was sitting on my bed looking away from me like he doesn't know what's happening.

"What ? I didn't say anything." Yeah, right.

"Go away !" I told him and he went out through the window while laughing.

"How did she propose to you ?"

"She gave me a ring and asked me to marry her. It was nothing sophisticated or anything like that. We were in the library surrounded by dusty books but I swear it was so beautiful and she was so cute and nervous." I said while looking in the drawer for the ring to put it back where it belongs.

"I hope you said yes."

"Of course I did !"

"Oh my, Yui ! Look how pretty the ring is ! I want one too ! Get me one !"

"I will, somewhere in the future." Moa giggled and hugged Yui, making both of them fall down on the carpet.

I placed my bag on the desk and took out some books and a few notebooks before saying, "Now shush you two, I need to do my homework."

A/N: *evil grin* Happiness doesn't last forever though. *evil laugh*. Bye bye !

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