Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Chase come on! The movie is ready and I'm getting bored." I called to Chase who was making popcorn in the kitchen.

"It's not ready yet. Do you have any patience?" Chase called back as he put the popcorn in the microwave.

"No. And you should know that. We've only been best friends since we were five! We're 20 now, get used to it." I called back. I heard him laugh quietly.

"You know I can hear you, right?" I said as he pulled the popcorn out of the microwave.

"Yeah, I do." He said. Oh if only he knew. I've had a crush on Chase since we were in middle school. Somehow I've kept up this whole friendship act since. Now we're in college and living together in an apartment about five minutes away from campus.

"Why does it take you so long to make popcorn?" I asked as he sat down and set the bowl on the table.

"Well I have a process, unlike you. You burn the popcorn ever time you make it." He said as he turned back to face me with a smirk on his face.

"Well sorry. We can't all make perfect popcorn like you, Mr. Chase Davenport. Would you like your award now or should I save it for the next time?" I asked smirking back at him. He simply smiled at me and laughed.

"Now would be great, but getting it next time would leave the suspense of the award." Chase said looking up as if he was in thought.

"Wow, okay. Lets just start the movie." I said as I pressed the play button. I had convinced Chase we should watch High School Musical 3. I knew we both still loved to watch it.

The movie was coming to the part where Troy tells Gabriella that he's going to college closer to her.

"Wow, can you believe that? I agree with Chad, you shouldn't take the girl with you when you go to college." Chase said as he sat back on the couch. I just sighed.

"But they're in love. Don't you think that one day, maybe, you'll meet someone that you just can't live without. And you know, that you want to spend the rest of your life with them?" I asked as I turned my attention to Chase.

"I think that whole 'rest of your life' thing is kind of stupid. Eventually you'll just get tired of each other." Chase said as he looked back at me.

"Have we ever gotten tired of each other?" I asked.

"Well sometimes, but not for long." Chase said as he let his mind drift back to the many fights we had gotten into.

"See, it's the same thing. Even though you might get on each others nerves at times, at the end of the day... You still want to have them in your life." I said.

"Yeah, but what if things change. I mean, people change... Feelings change." Chase said as he looked down at the ground. This was getting to be too much. Chase and I had never had a conversation like this before.

"Well yeah, I guess your right." I said thinking about the relationship Chase and I had. What if his feelings changed? What if he didn't want to be friends anymore?

"Look, Bree. I think I have something to tell you." Chase started. Well here it goes, the end of our friendship.

"What is it Chase?" I asked, slowly moving to sit up.

"Bree, I think, maybe. I think maybe I might-" Chase said but was cut off by a knock at the door. I quickly stood up and made my way to the door.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" Adam asked as he walked inside. Leo slowly followed.

"Oh, Bree just got me to watch High School Musical." Chase replied as he sat back, looking upset. What could he be upset about?

"Oh, I love that movie! We should watch all three!" Adam said as he took my spot by Chase on the couch. Leo followed with the same enthusiasm and sat on the floor.

"Yeah, put that puppy in and press play." Leo said. Leo, Adam, Chase and I have all been friends since Leo started college. Leo is in his second year, Adam is in his last, and Chase and I are in our third year. Chase had convinced me to stay the full four years with them. I was only planning on three, but Chase's words, can be very convincing.

"Bree, why don't you come sit by me? I can make room." Chase said with hope in his voice. Well this is new.

"Okay." I said kind of shyly. I made my way over to the couch as Adam and Chase moved over. They ended up leaving just enough room for me to be shoved up against Chase.

"Wow, thanks guys." I said sarcastically with a smile as I sat down almost on Chase's lap. Adam and Leo both knew I had a crush on Chase. Apparently it was too obvious, or something.

"I'm not that horrible to sit by am I?" Chase whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. I don't think we've ever been this close before.

"No your not, Chase." I said as I turned to smile at him. He smiled back almost instantly. Chase leaned back the motioned for me to lean back as well. As my back hit the couch, Chase put his arm around me. Well, this was going to be a weird couple of hours.


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