Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


When I got back to the apartment I saw that Chase had left. Probably went out looking for me. I walked back to my room and picked out my outfit for tonight. I decided on a casual dress so it didn't look like I was trying too hard. I never wear dresses.

"Bree? Are you back?" Chase called into the apartment sounding a little tired.

"Yeah, I'm in my room." I called back. I heard him walking down the hallway then step into my room.

"Bree, where did you go? I looked all over for you." Chase said sounding both relieved and upset.

"I was at Adam and Leo's." I said simply as I hung the dress on the door of my closet.

"Look Bree, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you. I just thought it would be funny. I didn't know it was that important. If there's something's you can't tell me, I'm okay with it. I just want you to know that you can tell me anything, anytime you want." Chase explained. I turned to face him.

"I'm sorry too, Chase. But tonight, almost everything will be explained. We're going to dinner at the pizza place with Adam and Leo." I said. He looked at me a little warily.

"Why do we have to go with Adam and Leo for you to explain things?" Chase asked slowly.

"You'll find out tonight." I said as I turned back to pick my shoes.

"Okay. When should we go?" Chase asked.

"Probably around 6. I'll text Adam to make sure." I replied getting out my phone.

To Adam

Hey, what time should we meet for dinner?

From Adam

I got us reservations for 6. I miss you honey :P

I laughed as I saw Adam's text before I realized Chase was still standing there.

"Oh, Adam got us reservations for 6." I said.

"Then what was so funny?" Chase asked sounding defensive. What was up with him?

"He just made a joke." I said. But before I knew it, Chase had my phone in his hands. He looked back at me, looking more upset than I've ever seen him.

"Honey? Honey? Why on earth would he call you honey? I mean... It's not like you two are dating or anything. Right?" Chase rambled, sounding more worried by the second. Well, there was just no getting out of this one.

"Maybe." I said, not able to keep my voice from raising in octaves. He looked at me like I had said I hated him.

"Bree, why didn't you tell me? And why are you dating him in the first place? You always said he was like a brother to you." Chase said, sounding hurt. I almost couldn't keep the act up.

"Adam and I wanted to see how things went before we told you guys. And I guess I changed. You know how people and their feelings change, right?" I asked, knowing he would remember our conversation last night.

"What were you going to tell me anyway?" I asked remembering that we were cut off by my 'boyfriend' and our other friend.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Chase said coldly as he walked out my door... again. What is up with this guy?

To Adam

Chase knows about us

From Adam

Wow, how did he take it?

To Adam

Not well

From Adam

Good, told you he likes you.

To Adam

No he doesn't. But I still want to keep going, just in case

From Adam

I didn't think you'd want to stop, anyway. Then you'd have to tell Chase you were lying or something :P

To Adam

Shut up

I slipped my phone into my pocket then laid on my bed. I can't believe I got myself into this.


When we got to the pizza place, Adam and I sat on one side, while Chase and Leo sat across from us. Chase and I usually sit together so Leo was already confused. Chase continually stared daggers at Adam and I. I guess the plan was working.

"So, Bree? Why don't you tell me the story of how you and Adam got together." Chase suggested with a smirk. He's onto us.

"Wait, you two are together? But you just came over earlier about-" Leo said, but Adam stopped him.

"Alright Chase." I said as Adam explained to Leo. They each had out their phones so Chase wouldn't overhear them.

"Go on, Bree, tell me everything." Chase said slyly.

"Well, it was the night I was helping Adam study for his test in math. It was really late and I was about to leave when Adam asked me to stay and watch a movie. We pulled up The Notebook and the romance got to us. We kissed and the rest is history." I explained as I looked over at Adam. I had helped Adam study about two weeks ago while Chase and Leo went to the arcade.

"Oh really, because when we got back everything seemed normal." Chase replied with a smirk.

"Yes, because like I said earlier, we decided to keep things secret until we knew we liked each other for sure." I smirked back at him.

"Well, that's a story for the kids. Should we order now?" Leo said, trying to break the stare off happening between Chase and I.

"Oh yeah, I'm starving." Adam said as he called the waiter over.

**after dinner**

Chase and I walked into the apartment. I set my keys down on the coffee table then make my way to my room.

"Good night, Bree." Chase mumbled as he walked into his room.

"Good night-" But then he slammed his door. Apparently this was working better than I thought. I shut my door then changed for bed. I shut off the light and then checked my phone.

From Adam

How's everything going?

To Adam

He's mad at me

From Adam

It'll be okay Bree

To Adam

I know I just hate it

From Adam

How about we all get together and have a movie night tomorrow? Maybe he'll forget about everything.

To Adam

Yeah, that sounds good.

Well I guess we'll make everything right tomorrow. I just hope that Chase doesn't hate me. He sounded pretty mad before. The only question I have, is does Chase even like me? Or does he think my "relationship" will wreck our friendship?


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