Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


"What were you going to tell me the other day?" I asked quickly. He sighed then looked down.

"I was going to tell you that my feelings for you changed, a long time ago. I thought maybe yours had, too. Bree I like you, a lot. I have since ninth grade, that's why I asked you to be my first kiss." Chase explained. He looked back up at me and all I could do was smile.

"Chase, I've liked you since we were in seventh grade." I said quickly. His smile grew before he continued.

"Wait, Bree. Why were you dating Adam?" Chase asked quietly.

"Yesterday Adam asked me to be his fake girlfriend so we could make you jealous." I explained then saw hurt flash through Chase's eyes.

"Why did you need to make me jealous? All you had to do was tell me how you felt." Chase stated simply.

"I didn't know that you felt this way and then Leo kept talking about the buddies rule-" Chase stopped me there.

"The buddies rule?" Chase asked with a smile.

"Yeah, he came up with it and it's about how if a guy and girl are best friends, one always ends up falling for the other. Then he said if they start dating then they're breaking it." I said as I looked back to Chase.

"Wow." Chase said.

"I know." I said while laughing.

"Bree, will you break the buddies rule with me and be my girlfriend?" Chase asked.

"Yes, Chase." I said as I leaned closer to him. I was never going to get used to this.

**next day**

I woke up and attempted to get up, but something was keeping me in my bed. Someone was preventing me from standing. I turned to see Chase holding me back from leaving my bed. I smiled as I saw him waking up.

"Hey." Chase mumbled as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning." I said. He smiled at me.

"I can't believe we're dating now." Chase said as he pulled me closer. I laughed into his chest.

"I know. I'm happy, too. Do you want something for breakfast?" I asked as I moved back to see his face.

"Yeah, that sounds good. How about you make eggs and I'll make bacon?" Chase suggested.

"Okay, but let me get dressed first." I said as we both got out of bed.

"Fine but don't take too long." Chase said as he walked across the hall to his room.

"Have I ever taken more than five minutes to get dressed?" I called as I reached for the doorknob to close my door.

"You never know, girls are crafty." Chase called from his room. I rolled my eyes as I shut my door. I quickly got dressed and headed out to see Chase getting the pans out. I smiled as I walked behind him. He turned when he heard me then pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, it's your birthday next week, what do you want?" I asked as I pulled away for a second.

"I think I already have what I want but... maybe our first date?" Chase answered with a smile.

"Okay, we'll have our first date. But I'm still getting you something." I said as I turned to the fridge to get the eggs and bacon. He laughed as he hugged me from behind.

"Chase I'm trying to get the food out." I whined as he laughed harder. Then, everything was interrupted by the phone ringing.

"Hey Adam." Chase said as he answered.

"Hey Chase, what's up?" Adam asked.

"Oh, Bree and I are just making breakfast, what about you guys?" Chase asked as he smiled back at me.

"Oh, breakfast sounds good. Can we come over?" Adam asked sounding excited.

"Actually what if we all go to get breakfast?" Chase asked then looked to me for approval. I nodded, if it meant I didn't have to cook, I'm all for it.

"Yeah! We'll meet you guys at Village Inn in like twenty?" Adam suggested.

"We'll see you guys there." Chase said before hanging up.

"You ready?" Chase asked as he set the phone down.

"Yep, just let me get my shoes." I said before I raced to my room.


"So we're officially a couple." Chase said as we ate our breakfast. I looked over to see Adam and Leo smiling. But suddenly, Leo had a worried look on his face.

"Wait, you guys broke the buddies rule!" Leo practically yelled. The entire restaurant turned to look.

"It's nothing." I said then they turned back around.

"Dude, that's not even a real thing." Adam said as he patted Leo on the shoulder.

"And both Bree and I agreed that we wanted to break the buddies rule." Chase explained with a smile.

"Alright fine." Leo sighed as he bit into his toast. I turned to see Chase smiling at me. I am so glad he felt the same way.

My phone started to ring in my coat pocket. I took it out then looked.

To Bree, From unknown number

Your only breaking the buddies rule if your dating your best friend. Leo never said anything about dating one of your other friends. Let's just say, the fake, might just become a reality.

Who would want to do that to me? Let alone question my relationship with Chase. What did they mean by the fake will turn to reality? I looked back to the group to see my ex- friend with his phone out. He looked up and smiled at me. I did not see this coming.


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