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We enter the big green main doors of our school, Brentwood High.

"Oi, heads up!" Brayson hollers.

Like the dumbass he is, he thought it'd be a good idea to aim his basketball at a recycling bin in a foyer full of students. Rather than getting a goal, it hits the head of...

"Sam..shi..soz," Brayson's voice trails off.

Which I'd still count as a goal if you ask me.

"What the fuck, man!" Sam turns around, rubbing his buzz-cut head.

Samuel Jay is just a douche for no reason at all. He likes having power over people and just plain bullies whoever he thinks he can take on in a fight. Which explains why he doesn't really bother me. He's also friends with Jace and Jensen and they all share the same kinda vibe.

"Dude..!" Brayson hisses to me. "A lil help here would be much appreciated..!"

"Ah, Brayson! 'Course it has to be you," Sam rolls his eyes. "Who else would it be?"

"Alright, Sam, chill," I tell him. "It's 8 in the morning. Don't you ever get tired of this shit?"

"Rescuing your boyfriend, is it?" Sam squints at me. "Never knew you guys were a thing. Actually, nah yeah, it does kinda make sense now, ha."

I swear, one more word from him and I'll-

"Hey, Sam, cut it off," someone cuts me off. "And homophobia is so 2015."

"Bellaaa," Sam smirks at her. "Comin' to save the day, loca?"

"Tryna save you," she corrects him, flicking her eyebrows up. "And it's El-la, with an E," she corrects him again.

Sam looks her up and down, humbled and pissed off. He opens his mouth to say something else but ding ding ding! "Saved by the bell," he says instead. "Well, then, see you ladies on the field, 4 PM, after school."

Brayson appears flustered.

"For baseball practice," Sam reminds him. "Chillax."

Baseball. My whole life revolves around that. Mainly because I'm the captain of it. Maybe that's why Sam's so jealous when it comes to me or my best mate. Ella tilts her head to the side with a smile, indicating that she also has to get going. I give her a nod as a thank you.

"Mate, you so gotta get them digits," Brayson murmurs. "She's perfect for you."

"Yeah, tell me about it," I daydream as she walks away, her jet-black curls bouncing from shoulder to shoulder.

I really should. I've been crushing on her since Year 10. And now we have our senior year of high school together and I still haven't asked her out. I don't know, it's not that I'm scared, it's just that I wanna focus on baseball and school rather than dealing with a potential heartbreak. Actually, nah yeah, I am scared. She might reject me.

Whichever seat you take on the first day of the semester happens to be the one you get all year round. Unbeknownst to some, this makes it easy for teachers to realise who's missing and who's not.

"Where on earth is Jensen?" Mr Burrows, our History teacher, stares at a student's empty seat before eyeing Jensen's mates.

They just give him a shrug like 'IDK' and a smirk like 'I do know'.

"Hm," Mr Burrows sighs. "Alright, anywho, I know it's 1st period on a mundane Thursday morning and your last week is next Monday but-"

Everyone chatters up from the utter excitement. Mid-term break. Finally. Can't wait to get the fuck outta here for a while. Would do us all some good.

"I know, I know, how exciting, but you gotta stay focused," Mr Burrows snaps everyone back to reality. "Hey, you! Pink hair. Off ya phone!"

The pink-haired girl blows a huge bubble and pops it before gently putting her phone facing down.

"Anyone else on their phone will get detention and perhaps summer camp," Mr Burrows warns the class. "And yes, teachers have been reminded to sign up any students to summer camp if they aren't behaving accordingly."

Summer camp, yep, nobody wants to go to that. It's basically a bunch of Girl Scout activities with a bunch of jerks. Troublemakers, people failing are the ones that get signed up. I got sent there in Year 7 and the power dynamic between the lil kids and the big kids was not good. It's just a horrible experience and a waste of time when we can literally be doing anything else for the summer. I slouch even more in my seat, this is gonna be one long hell of a day.

"Everyone, listen up!" Mr Burrows announces in the last 5 mins of class. "I'm giving you this assignment early which means it's due the first day back from your break. No excuses."

"But, Sir, we already have so much on our plates. Mid-term exams, the threat of summer camp, uni applications. Can't we just enjoy our break for once?" a girl makes a valid point.

That's Carmen. She had this big breakup with Jace not too long ago for cheating on him with Jensen. And that's just rank. Imagine hooking up with your boyfriend's best mate. But yeah, she's sorta the 'It' girl of the school with her long platinum hair and pink lipgloss. A bully just like Sam, but for the girls. Trouble and fake hair extensions are something I wanna stay far, far away from.

"Did ya guys really think that I was going to let ya off empty-handed, did ya?" Mr Burrows chuckles. "'Youth is wasted on the young.'"

It's true, teachers don't like us having a peaceful summer break.

I'm on my way through the courtyard when,

"Hey, Sylvester! Basketball at lunch in the gym?! Everyone's comin'. Teachers vs Students."

Jace. The one I told you about. He literally always calls me by my last name, IDKY. He's friends with Sam and Jensen and is Carmen's ex. And yeah, I know he hangs out with the bullies, but he's a different type of bully. A caring bully. He's my sports ally. One of those friends you have in PE. We don't really have anything else in common. The only time we ever talk is in PE or if we're training on the oval together.

"Can't, mate!" I let him know.

"Dude, c'mon!" he shakes his floppy blonde hair to get rid of the sweat that's greasing it.

"Fine, I dunno, maybe!" I give him three answers in one.

"Sweet!" and he takes it as a yes, ofc he would.

The bell rings. Break has ended. I meet up with Brayson for Bio.

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