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The walls on all four sides of the classroom enclose in on me. I feel claustrophobic to the touch, about to suffocate to the max. Everything that once made sense is now crumbling to pieces. The laws of sanity are being defied. Ms Mills and Coach – teachers that I have known for almost 12 years are dead. Dead because of me. Had I just sat back and let time handle it they would've still been here. Nonetheless, I force my mind to accept this actuality so that I can help my sis.

"Bro?" Brayson stares at me when I get up.

"I have to get Amber," I sniff. "She's trapped in the library."

"With those things out there?" he asks like I've got a choice.

"I ain't got a choice, do I, Brayson?"

"Woah, woah, holll' up," Jace stands up with his hands in front of him. "What the hell do you suppose the rest of us do?"

"Do whatever you like," I tell him. "But I'm getting my sister and then I'm getting out of here whilst I have the chance."

"I'm coming with you," Brayson adds.

We give each other a fist pump before turning for the doors.

"Y-you can't just leave us here!" Carmen panics.

"You wanna come with?" I ask her, could care less to be honest. "If anyone wants to come, come. I really don't care. But my sister is my responsibility and my parents will kill me if anything happens to her."

"You're gonna need backup," Jace says. "Count me in."

"Who's to say he doesn't already have backup?" Brayson takes offense.

Jace scoffs, ignoring him.

"Amber's my friend," Ella says. "I'll come too."

"Anyone else?" I look around the room but no one else wants to join purely because of what just happened the last time 3 people left the classroom. "I know some of yous have siblings too so if you want to save them, you should leave like us, in groups."

"Only child," Carmen puts her hand up. "But I'll stick with yous."

Brayson, Jace, Ella, and Carmen huddle in a circle around me.

"So what's the plan, boss?" Jace asks me.

"We need to get upstairs. That's where Amber had her second period – Psych class."

"Kinda ironic, don't ya think?" Brayson asks.

We all face him.

"I mean," he gulps, "Psychology...zombies..brains.. Zombies like to eat brains?"

Is he being for real right now?

"Right, yeah, I'll zip it," he clocks on.

"She's in the library. It isn't that far from here. We just need to head past two classrooms and the toilets to get there, you guys know."

"We'll need weapons too," Jace adds.


We make it upstairs. It's pitch black, the only source of light is the flickering fluorescent lights up above. No students or teachers in sight. Looks like they were smart enough to leave before us. Jace is holding an emergency axe and Brayson took ahold of the fire extinguisher. I found a baseball bat.

"I hear something, shh!" I put my hand up.

I see it, we all see it. One of the dead, a zombie, a lurker, or whatever the heck you call it! We manoeuvre and duct behind a row of lockers. It slowly trudges past us, sniffing around.

"Game on if it spots us?" Jace asks quietly.

"Well, if you didn't put so much Lynx on, it'd have a much harder time sniffing us out," Brayson mutters.

"Quit it, bro," I tell him.

"What? Just sayin'," he gives Jace a look.

"Oh c'mon, bro," Jace nudges him jokingly. "I know you love it."

"Like hell I do..!" Brayson retorts.

"Well, we're in hell," Jace smirks.

"Alright, it has moved on," I notice the lurker round the corner. "Ella – you and Carmen, stay here. We'll be right back."

"Be careful," she warns me.

I'll try to.

We're almost there when,

"Holy sh.." Brayson starts.

"..Shit," and Jace finishes off for him.

There's a small study space between the toilets and the library. There are 3 lurkers standing in its door frame. The glass walls are stained with splatters of blood. Those students, they are, well were, Carmen's lil clique – Angelika and I don't know the rest. Thank god Carmen isn't here to see this. We back away slowly.

"Any ideas, Sylvester?" Jace whispers.

"L-let me think," I try to think.

"Why the fuck do you need to think for?" Jace hisses. "Just say the word and we'll pop their heads right off."

*Ring!* *Ring!* *Ring!*

Fuck me dead. I look at my pocket. Then back at the lurkers. 3 against 3, you'd think it's fair.

"Hey... look, it's us – Dean, Brayson, and Jace. We're not here to hurt you."

"What the fuck are you doing, Sylvester?!" Jace snarls.

"Just shut up, I got this!" I tell him. "...It-it's okay. Everything is going to be okay," I say more firmly to Carmen's friends. "You're all just a little sick and a little out of it, but we'll get you the help you need and you'll be just fine."

Angelika is in the middle, twitching her head. The girls on either side of her grit their teeth. It's as if Angelika is the only one hearing me out. She pauses, sniffing me out, getting real close to me. Almost a finger's length away from my face. It's like she's communicating with me via sniffs.

It's working.

"You're okay, Angel-"

She growls and hurls herself at me but Jace pulls me right back by my shirt.

"Still wanna chit-chat, Sylvester?!" he says angrily in that 'I told you so' tone.

I gulp, who am I kidding? They're hungry as fuck and we're dead as fuck.

FULL LOCKDOWN (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now