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We all look in the direction of the speakers in the corner of our classroom.

"We seem to have a bit of a situation on our hands," the unknown male authority-like voice announces, "and until we get that situation under control, I advise each and every one of yous to stay put."

What kind of situation?

"Turn off all electronic devices as a safety precaution and stay behind locked doors," the man instructs over the faint shootings. "Do not leave your classrooms, I repeat, do not leave your classrooms at any cost! Stay put until help arrives!"

"Those were gunshots!" Carmen stands up, pointing at the speaker.

"Sit down, Carmen!" Ms Mills orders her.

"But Ms, those were gunshots!!" she squeals.

"Settle down, Carmen!" Ms Mills demands. "We don't know what's going on, but what we do know is that in a moment like this we must have composure. Now, you heard the man, turn all your cell phones off."

Turn my phone off? Yeah nah, fuck that. Why should I even trust this man? We don't even know who he is. We should listen to him, why? Just 'cause he sounds authoritative? Man, I should be getting drenched in sweat from baseball practice on the oval right now. Drenched in sweat from heat, not fear. Then, Coach's classroom opposite us erupts with screams. Someone has opened the door and has left.

"Get back inside now, Samuel!" Coach calls after him.

"Why should I?" Sam asks him cockily, walking backwards from the classroom.

The shouting transmogrifies into screaming. But whatever everyone is screaming at, we can't see it. A wall is blocking our view.

"Turn around!"

"Mate, watch out!"


"Bro, bro, bro, behind ya!"

'It' finally comes into our sight, and as Sam spins around, it's far too late. I... I cannot believe my eyes. What I'm seeing is impossible. Beyond impossible. The word 'impossible' doesn't even come close to it. It just cannot be real! Period. That's all there is to it!

A grimy chunk is taken right from Sam's neck! He struggles impotently to push whatever... whatever that thing is away from himself. Carmen in our classroom screams the loudest when she witnesses this and holy fuck it made my ears ring.

Everyone huddles around me in the havoc, watching Sam through the glass windows from our classroom. We can't do anything. I mean, I want to, I have to, I need to. I'm the captain, right? It's my responsibility. But Brayson knows better and holds my arm back. Sam put himself in harm's way. I have to understand that.

At some point, he stops fighting. He goes limp, and I swear to god, he's staring right at me. A tear trickles down from his eye and a tiny smile plays on the corners of his lips.

I never liked him. Never. But he didn't deserve this.

He drops to the floor and the thing moves onto his stomach. It starts feasting off Sam's entrails. Why is Sam still staring at me? The thing appears like it hasn't eaten in centuries. It's wearing our school's maroon jersey which means it was a student here at Brentwood High. Coach rushes to the door and slams it shut after the shock dies down.

We saw everything happen right in front of us. We all knew what they called this, let's not be dumb. We just couldn't believe it. I thought watching movies about this crap prepared me for this shit. But seeing it with one's own eyes, nothing, and I mean, nothing in the world could prepare me for this. Not in a million years.

The Apocalypse.


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