Chapter 02:

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•She was bold, stood up for herself, spoke her mind, even if it got her in trouble•

Jace had come in every morning the same time, ordering the same hot tea, and giving some cheesy wink when leaving. Lynnette kept her glare and annoyance in her tone of voice every day. She didn't know why, but something about him just hit her nerve. Maybe it was the cocky smirk he wore around once he was near Lynnette. Or they way he walked around as if he were higher than everybody. It could possibly be the way he worth his wealth, fancy suits everyday, expensive watches, shiny black shoes. What ever it was- it picked at Lynnette.


"Green tea hot yeah yeah," Lynnette said uninterested grabbing the 2 dollars from his hand and getting his tea ready.

"Well I'm not genius, but I'm pretty sure that's no way you treat a customer." His English accent was thick, as he raised an eyebrow in fake innocence, amusement written all over his face.

"Good, stay dumb." Lynnette replied pushing her dirty blond hair over her shoulder. She turned to see his ocean blue eyes already staring at her-well her bum. She snapped her fingers getting his attention as he fluttered his long lashes before his eyes went to hers, a smirk on his face. Her face flamed in anger as she narrowed her eyes, completely turning to face him with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Do you mind?" She asked irritation in her tone. She tapped her toe against the ground as she tried to control her temper with someone who knows how to make her tick in the shortest time.

"Either side of you is fine, you got any angle going for you. I'd actually prefer the angle of you in my bed but..." Jace trailed off sending Lynnette a wink.

"You have to be the most inappropriate, obnoxious pig I have ever met." She said turning around to pour the hot water and put in the tea bag.

"I wouldn't say that, I'd say, something like charming, sexy, fun to be around." Jace chimed back as Lynnette slammed the cup on the counter.

"Here's your tea. And there's the door. Bye." She said. She bit her tongue trying to prevent herself from saying anything else when she saw Charlie walk out of his office, his eyes watching Lynnette. Jace's eyes followed her eyes, a mischief look pulled on his face when he landed on Charlie.

"I don't think you put sugar in this." He said sipping his tea, and handing it back to Lynnette. Her grey eyes narrowed, her pupils going down a size, as she grabbed the cup from the counter and turning around to put in the sugar.

"How is everything Mr. King?" Charlie asked, his voice wavering as he adjusted the thin glasses on the bridge of his nose. A large smile was on his face as he waited for a reply.

"Fine." Jace replied purposely being short, watching Lynnette for a reaction. She tensed holding the cup of tea in her hand as she turned around.

"Is there anything else we can get you besides a cup of tea?" Charlie offered, his smile still wide.

"No thank you Charlie, thanks for the offer, what I want apparently isn't on the menu." Jace turned to Lynnette sending her a wink. She gripped the cup making it crumble in her hands, spilling the hot liquid on her jeans and floor.

"Lynnette!" Charlie called taking the cup from her hands and throwing it in the trash can nearby. "I'm so sorry Mr. King, I'll get you a fresh cup-"

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