Chapter 04:

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"Lynnette? What are you doing here on your day off?" Charlie asked giving Lynnette a stern look. Lynnette lushed gripping the baby blue leash tightly in her hands before giving a soft innocent smile.

"Cooper and I were out on a walk, and I thought I'd stop by for a smoothie and some water." Lynnette stated gesturing down to the pomsky panting at her legs. Charlie smiled looking down at Cooper, patting the top of his slack covered thighs for the pomsky to jump on. Cooper immediately jumped up, resting his front paws on Charlies legs, as Charlie reached down to pet him.

"Well, I was just opening up, so come on in honey." Charlie smile, his pale blue orbs twinkling at the sight of Lynnette and Cooper. Charlie had flipped the sign to open, then leading Lynnette to a seat at the island.

"Wildberry and banana?" Charlie asked grabbing the frozen berried from the freezer, and banana. Lynnette nodded grabbing a plastic bowl from her bag.

"Can I have the water bottle? Cooper looks like he is about to have a stroke." Lynnette giggled lookng at Cooper who had sprawled on the tile floos, his small pink tongue sticking out as his  body moved up and down from his pants. Charlie peared over the counter, chuckling at Cooper's appearance before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and handing it over the Lynnette.

"Thank you." She beamed, opening the bottle, before pouring it into the small bowl, and setting it next to Cooper, whom sat up immediately, and began drinking the water.

"So have you planned out what you are going to be doing for the rest of your life yet?" Charlie asked placing the fruits in the blender, adding ice, protein mix, and yogurt.

"I honestly don't know. I mean, I have my degree in marine biology, it's just, I love working here and traveling. Being a barista/waitress here gives me good tips all the time, and I have a great paycheck. I connect with people on a different level, and it's just I'm really liking it here right now. I'm not so tied down, and I have an understanding boss." Lynnette said as a few regulars walked in. Charlie gave Lynnette a big smile before he blended the smoothie, walkng over to Jim. Jim was a 30 year old man that always picked up a cup of Joe before going to work at his office. He was very protective and fond of Lynnette, and always tipped her well.

"Hi Lynn!" He smiled showing off his teeth. His smiled reached his brown eyes, making Lynnette smile widely back

"Hey honey! How are you today?" Lynnette asked tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"I'm doing great. Who's this little cutie?" He asked, his eyes landing on Cooper, as he squatted down to pet the pup's head.

"This is Cooper." Lynnette heard the signal of the bell ring, signaling a customer had walked in. Lynnette heard  a small voice inside her head tell her to not look up, and she complied.

"He's such a cutie, but not as cute as you." James said standing up and pinching Lynnette's cheek. She flushed red as he grabbed his coffee, handing Charlie a 10 dollar bill.

"Bye Lynn." He said winking before walking out.

"Who the hell is that? I mean, hey princess."  Jace smirked plopping down next to Lynnette. She narrowed her brown eyes at him as he ordered his tea. Jace looked down as Cooper jumped on his leg, trying to get his attention.

"Hello there puppy." Jace gushed his blue eye twinkling as he pet Cooper. Cooper's tongue stuck out as he panted. Jace got down from the chair, taking a seat in the floor, pulling Cooper into his arms, and petting his soft fur.

"You are a cute little guy aren't ya?" Jace asked scratching Cooper behind his ears. Lynnette couldn't help a smile form on her face at the scenario placed in front of her, but her smile dropped once Jace turned to face her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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