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Ashley's POV

Andy's eyes slowly opened. 'How long have I been asleep for?' He groaned. I shrugged, 'About two hours' I roughly estimated. He looked slightly shocked. 'Sorry' He muttered rubbing his eyes. 'Where did everyone else go?' He asked, looking round the room.

'They went to get some food.' I replied. 'How are you feeling?' I asked. 'I'm okay, i'm quite tired though.' He replied, smiling slightly. 'Do you want me to leave, so you can get some sleep?' I asked. He shook his head and winced. 'Ow..' He said bringing his hand up to his head. 'It's just because i've been asleep for a while, I won't be as tired in a minute.' he said, looking up at my anxious face. 'I'll be fine!' He laughed, noticing the worry on my face.

A nurse walked in, it wasn't the same one, but that didn't matter, they came bearing good news. 'I have some good news!' The nurse said cheerfully. Andy slowly sat up. 'You'll be able to leave tomorrow!' He said happily. 'Thats brilliant!' I said, smiling broadly. 'I hear you are a band?' He asked. We both nodded. 'You'll be fine playing tomorrow, just take some pain killers, okay?' He finished and Andy nodded, smiling.

The nurse left the room and happiness exploded out of me. 'What did I tell you? I'm fine!' Andy laughed. The rest of the band walked in. 'What's going on?' They asked, watching our smiling faces. 'Andy's being let out tomorrow, we can still play!' I said, trying not to yell. They all cheered and we had a massive group hug (After Andy spent about five minutes trying to get out of bed.)

I started packing away some of Andy's things and quickly left for a couple of minutes, leaving everyone else in the room with Andy. I'd just realised I hadn't eaten anything since i'd been in the hospital with Andy and the hunger only just hit me. I quickly sat down in the café and munched on a sandwich. For hospital food, it was actually pretty nice.

I was on my way back to his room, when I froze. Glued to the spot I was standing in. Marching over to me was the one person I really didn't want to see. Juliet. Without saying anything, she walked over and punched me, with all her strength, catching my cheek with her ring and sending me falling onto the floor. 'Shouldn't you be with Andy, making out with him!' She screamed. 'I thought you regretted your marriage with him?' I said through gritted teeth, trying to hide the pain. 'Oh, so not only has he cheated on me but he tells you what we say in our Private life?' She scoffed. 'No.. Actually. I over heard him on the phone to you.' I said, glaring at her. 'Where is he anyway?' She asked. 'Why would I tell you?' I replied, brushing myself off.

'Umm.. maybe because, believe it or not, he's still my husband an-' I cut her off, 'Who you don't care about.' I finished. She slapped me, luckily it wasn't a punch this time. 'I cared about Andy.. for the first..umm. week..actaully. B-ut thats not the point!' She coughed, going red. 'You're trying to tell me, you actually never cared about him!?' I yelled. She rolled her eyes. 'He has money.' She said with a smirk. I resisted the urge to punch her and walked off. 'Wait!' She yelled. I turned around. A sharp object hit the other side of my cheek. I brought my hand up to my face and looked at my hand. Now I have symmetrical bleeding cheeks.. great. Not going to look suspicious at all. I looked down to see what she threw at me. Their wedding ring. I picked it up and put it in my pocket, walking back into Andy's room.

They all turned around when I walked in. Everyone gasped and Andy rushed out of bed. 'W-what happened?' He asked, concerned. I forced a fake smile and said 'I tripped over someones foot and hit my face on the bin!' I put on my best fake laugh. Andy didn't look too convinced but he just nodded.

Andy's POV

Something's happened. I know it. 'Is it okay if I go to sleep now?' I asked, knowing someone will ask him what really happened, thinking i'm asleep. 'Yeah, sure' Ash said will a small smile.

I was about to give up in my plan, when about five minutes after I 'went to sleep' I heard Jake say 'So, what actually happened? You don't think we're gunna fall for you tripping over and face planting a bin?' Jake said. I heard CC laugh at the thought, and to be honest, I nearly did too.

I could feel Ash look at me to double check I was asleep. He sighed. 'I didn't want to tell Andy this because I didn't want to worry him.' I heard him say. 'Go on.' Jinxx demanded. 'I was walking back from the cafe and guess who was there?' Ash carried on. 'Who?' Asked CC. 'Juliet.' he replied. Everyone gasped and I had to stop myself, forgetting I was meant to be asleep. 'You don't mean to tell me that..that Juliet did that to you?' Jake asked. 'Yep.' Ash replied. I opened my eyes slightly and the shock on everyones face was crazy. 'Sh-she also said that she only married Andy for his money.' Ash replied. All the blood drained from my face. I kind of knew it, but I loved her so much I kind of made myself forget about it.

I opened my eyes. 'Don't worry.' I muttered, making everyone jump. 'I kinda already thought that.' I finished. Ash looked so guilty. 'Andy.. I-I'm so sorry, I didn't want to upset you.' Ash stuttered. I smiled slightly. 'It's okay.' I reassured him. 'Anyway, you're 100 times the person Juliet is.' I said, making him blush.

It's true. I've never loved Anyone as much as I love Ash, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I want to marry him...

Yet again, I don't want people to think this is hate against Juliet or that I think she only married Andy for the money, I don't think that at all, I just couldn't think of anything else😂

Thanks for reading ❤️

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