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The wedding day

Ash's POV

I don't think I've ever been more nervous in my life. Me... marrying.. andy. Andy Biersack. I'm excited too. 'Ready?' My dad asked. I adjusted my hair quickly and nodded. He smiled and tapped my hand. 'You'll be okay.' He said. I took a deep breath and smiled. 'I know.' I said.

The door opened and I stepped outside. It was beautiful. There were rows and rows of seats, weeping willows hanging down over them, it was amazing. After ages of planning, Andy and I decided to have an outside wedding. And I'm so glad we made that plan now. I looked around, breath taken by all this. My dad looked at me. 'Okay?' He asked. I nodded and smiled. We walked down the isle. My heart stopped. Andy. His hair was combed to one side, he was wearing a black suit with a black tie. His smile was the biggest I've ever seen it. How could someone be so beautiful? I took another deep breath and carried on walking. I felt slightly light headed, but I knew it was just nerves. I finally reached Andy. I smiled. 'You look beautiful.' He whispered. My heart fluttered. 'So do you.' I said, his cheeks went red. I smiled, we've together for ages and even the simple things I say still make him blush.

'We are gathered Here today...' the vicar started. Me and Andy held back a laugh. We always find it funny in wedding when they say that. I don't really know why. I didn't really listen to what the vicar was saying. I was staring at Andy, he's so perfect. My vows. Can I remember my vows? I think I should.. Andy went first which calmed me down a bit. 'Ash,' he started. 'I've known you for over ten years now, and when I'm with you, no days are boring. When I was ill, you made me feel better, just by seeing you.' I smiled. 'I don't think I can ever explain my love to you, there is too much, it will take me forever. Just know that I will always love you, forever and always.' He Finished. My eyes glistened. 'That was beautiful.' I whispered. The vicar nodded at me. Okay, Ash. Don't mess up I reminded myself. ' Andy, words can't explain how much I love you. You've always been there for me, always supported me, I've never seen so much kindness bundled up in one person. I still can't believe this is real, I can't believe I'm marrying you. Maybe dreams do come true. Just know that whatever happens, whatever the future holds, which I can't wait to spend with you, just know , that no matter what, I'll always love you.' I said, Andy's eyes sparkled with tears. He smiled and wiped them away. We said our 'I do's' and finally kissed. It was more special then any other one, even though it was simple. This one, I'd remember forever.

Andy's POV

All those nerves I had, were for nothing. After the ceremony had finished I walked over, with my husband, to see my parents, who were just about to tell us where we were going on our honeymoon. 'Tell us pleeeasse!' I begged. My mom laughed. 'Okay!' She said. She glanced at my dad and smiled. 'You're staying in a beautiful little log house.' He said. Ash and I's Faces lit up. We've always fantasised about staying in a log house. 'Next to a lake, with your own little private speed boat.' He carried on. 'Where is it?' We asked, eager to know. They smiled. 'Iceland.' He said. We both squealed and hugged my parents.

I can't believe it! We've both always dreamed of staying in a log cabin, next to a lake.. in Iceland! How did they find out! 'Mom, please take good care of Skylar when we're away.' I said. She nodded. 'Of course I will!' My dad tapped me on the back. 'Yeah?' I asked.  'You should see this!' He said, with a massive smile on his face. It was Skylar. She was walking! Ash and I ran over to make sure she didn't fall over. 'This is amazing!' Ash said. I nodded.

They always say your wedding days the best day of your life. I always thought it was ridiculous, just standing there saying a couple of stupid things to the person you love, whilst everyone watches. But now.. my views have changed dramatically.

This is the best day of my life.

I feel like I'm on top of the world, and nothing's gunna drag me down again.

Okay! So that our little Fanfic finished! After this I'm writing another Kellic one, so if you like Kellin and Vic then you should read that! Hopefully it will be better than this one coz this one was too happy for me to write😂 my style is sad, so writing this was really hard😂

Thankyou so much for reading this, it means so friggin much to me❤️

Maybe cya in my next fanfic?


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