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Ashley's POV

I rolled over and saw an empty bed. 'Andy?' I called. No response. 'Andy?!' I repeated, slightly louder. Yet again, no response. I quickly clambered out of bed and walked down the stairs. I saw a small note folded on the table. Curiously, I walked over to it. Ash x It read. I quickly unfolded the note and read it.

I've just quickly popped out, still not feeling too great
Andy xx

I placed the note back down on the table and made myself a mug of coffee. Hopefully he should be back soon. I looked at my watch. 6.45am It read. Andy's not really a morning person, I'm surprised he's up this early.

About 10 minutes later the front door opened and Andy walked in. I walked up to him and gently hugged him, not wanting to make him feel worse. He hugged me back for a few seconds then pulled back and said 'you did get my note, right?' I nodded. He simply smiled and walked into the kitchen to boil the kettle. 'It should still be hot!' I called from the living room.

He walked in a couple of minutes later, blowing on his coffee to cool It down. 'How are you feeling?' I asked, once he had sat down. He shrugged. 'I could be better, I guess.' He muttered, giving me a weak smile. I grabbed his hand. 'Do you want me to book an appointment with the doctor?' I asked, trying not to sound to worried. He shook his head. 'It's probably nothing.' He replied, taking a sip of his drink. I nodded. 'But if it carries on any longer..' I started. He nodded and said 'yeah, I'll see a doctor if I still feel like this tomorrow.' He placed his mug on the placemat and got up. 'Where are you going?' I asked. He turned around. ' I'm going to wash my face.. I thought I told you that?' He said. I shook my head. 'You didn't..' I said, starting to get really concerned. 'Oh.. it must be my headache.' He said with a small smile and walked into the bathroom. Something wasn't right.

Andy's POV

I hoped that the walk would've made me feel better. If I'm honest, I'm pretty sure it made me feel worse. Maybe Ash is right. I probably should see a doctor if this carries on for much longer. I've had colds and flu before, but they're not usually this bad. I came out of the bathroom and sat back down on the sofa. My heads all over the place. A sharp pain shot through my head, making me wince. Ash grabbed my hand. 'What is it?' He asked, concern showing in his voice. 'Headache' I muttered quietly. He nodded. 'Soup?' He asked. I smiled slightly and nodded. He started to walk out the room to make my soup. 'Ash?' I called. He turned round and nodded. 'I love you.' I said, smiling. He smiled back. ' I love you too.' He said, blowing a kiss to me. He walked out the room and left me alone. I sighed and laid back on the sofa, propping a pillow up for my head to rest on. Another pain shot through my head. I groaned and slowly got up. I walked across to the cupboards trying to find some paracetamol.

Dizziness hit me like a tidal wave. I held on to the cupboard door, trying to stay on my feet. It slowly passed and I carried on rummaging through the cupboard. 'Found you!' I whispered, grabbing a pack of paracetamol. I popped one in my mouth and washed it down with water. I walked over to the door and opened it, peering into the kitchen to see if Ash needed help. He saw me and waved his hands about. 'Sit!' He said. I laughed. 'I'm not a dog!' He chuckled and gently pushed me along, back into the living room and on to the sofa. I giggled and laid back down as he tucked me in.

Ash walked back into the kitchen to carry on cooking my soup. 'GODDAMN IT!' I heard Ash scream. 'What?' I called from the sofa. 'I just spilt half of this bloody soup down me!' He screamed. I forced myself not to laugh and walked into the kitchen to help him clean up. I bent down to clean up the soup on the floor. As I stood back up, my head became very hot. Dizziness hit me again and I grabbed Ash to try and steady myself. 'Andy? Are you okay..?' Ash asked, concerned. I tried to nod but lost my balance and crashed into the side of the counter. 'That's it, I'm calling the doctor.' Ash said and ran over to the phone. I tried to stand upright, but my knees buckled and my legs gave way, sending me crashing to the floor.

I attempted to sit up. My throat was burning and my head was spinning. I tried to get to the bathroom. I pulled myself along, using anything I could find. Radiators, tables, pictured frames. I finally made it to the toilet and sat on the floor, preparing myself incase I threw up, and unsurprisingly, I did. Ash walked in and rubbed my back. 'We're leaving in 10 minutes.' He said, giving me a sympathetic smile. I wiped my mouth and slowly tried to get up. My head seemed less light now and I managed to slowly pull myself up, with Ash's help.

10 minutes later we clambered into the car and drove to the Doctors, my window open just incase I puked again. We finally arrived and sat down in the waiting room. After a couple of minutes of sitting there, the Doctor came out. 'Mr Biersack?' He called. Ash squeezed my hand and we slowly walked into the room..

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