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I turned around. I didn't know him. But I knew he was going to fall for me. Wait no. Actually, he was already crushing on me. Interesting.
I gave him a warm smile. "Hey. I'm Loren."
"I already kn-" he paused, blushing. "I mean, oh, I thought your name was Eden."
I narrowed my eyes. I found it insulting but somewhat funny that he thought he could lie to me about that. Of course he knew me. He probably stalked me and shit. Creep.
"A lot of people call me by my last name but my name is Loren." I suddenly didn't want him to court me anymore. I needed someone new to flirt with me though, now that Melo was gone. I craved the feeling. Maybe a guy would be better now, so that people won't think too much out of it at first. They might think that he's just a friend. I didn't want Melody to think I've moved on from her fast.
Okay, you should know: I'm not gay. It's just... well guys have feelings too. Their hearts can be broken too. I think it's even worse for them, because they think that they finally found a guy who accepts their sexuality and might actually agree.
Then I turn them down. I don't call them gross or anything because I didn't want other gay guys out there to know I'm definitely straight and get turned off too fast. Plus, I actually don't mind their gayness. Maybe I should be gay since I'm always comparing other girls to Gale. But I'm not gay so.
TBH, I don't like girls either. So I guess I'm asexual? I don't know. I just want my Gale.
"My name is–"
"Sorry," I said, cutting him off. "Gotta go." I quickly left, before he could introduce me.
I subtly showed him I wasn't interested. People would think it's obvious he wasn't straight. Plus, he wasn't well known and I would end up bringing him to my friends, who would insult the heck outta him. We had popular gay people, it's just that they have a good rep. They're well known (even if their sexuality may not be known to others).
He wouldn't do any good for me. It wouldn't be fun to hurt him.
"Why would you do that?"
At first I thought she was talking about the boy but when I saw her, I realized she was Reign, Melody's friend.
"You are so horrible!" She stomped towards me. She stared me down so closely that her toes were touching mine.
"You have the grammar of a little girl," I joked.
She laughed. "I know."
I looked in her dark brown eyes. She was going to fall for me.
She suddenly stopped smiling when she saw me grin lightly. She looked confused, like she forgot why she was even talking to me.
"I still hate you. I was serious! You are a... a... um.. really mean. I mean, how could you hurt Melo?"
Sometimes, it was hard to believe that Mel and Reign were friends. Mel was hot and athletic and was so skinny. She was more sophisticated and sassy. She was somewhat like Gale, actually. Reign was kind of chubby (In this school, skinny is determined by how much space is between your thighs and how much ribs showed through your skin) and she was simple and kind of childish in a cute way. She was too chill about problems about her and she doesn't stress over things. She chilled but didn't go with the flow, unlike Mel who was all about following trends. They had different personalities. Reign was messy when it came to thinking but was neat when it came to organizing. (OCD?) Mel was smart but was messy when it came to belongings. Melody wore tight jeans and Reign wore flowy things. Reign was always smiling, Mel was over dramatic.
They were so different. How did they learn to love each other?
I gave her a pained smile. "It's not my fault. What were you expecting? Not love her but pretend to? Lie to both of us?"
"I can see through your lies."
"I'm not lying! I didn't want to hurt her furthe–"
"I meant you playing with her heart."
"I didn't..."
"What?" she asked. She had a puppy dog face. "So she played herself for that long?"
I faltered. "I didn't mean to toy with her heart."
She shook her head. "But, you did." She flicked her blue hair, as strands fell on her face.
"Is there anything I can do to help her?"
She shrugged.
"Can you help me think of something?"
"Why should I?"
"No one knows her more than you. You understand her more than anyone else."
"I know. But why should I?"
"She's probably in a mope right now. Don't you want me to do something to make her feel better? Don't you want to help her be happy again?"
She was quiet. "Okay. But just in case, she better not see her best friend talking to the boy who broke her heart."


You are the love
Waiting to bloom
Into the sunlight
That knows your name
-Mark Anthony

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