Tag - Letter to past self

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Tagged by Olux75
I was tagged to do this a while ago and I never got round to it but I figured why not *shrug*

I have chosen to do a letter to my past self rather than my future, because my life tends to be pretty unpredictable and that's the way I like it (:

Dear younger Mini,
I know you are worried about how others perceive you and you fear social rejection but don't be afraid to reach out to new people and get involved with unfamiliar things.

You may be too focused on succeeding to realise the opportunities around you and too reserved to appreciate friendship. But don't worry, you may have a small circle, but your friends in it will prove to be loyal and trustworthy and they will put a smile on your face for many years to come.

Eventually you will branch out into a bigger circle when you go to a new school for sixth form, and it will be nerve-wracking to start anew but you will make so many amazing friends and still keep in touch with your old ones.

It is important that you know that you don't always have to put everyone else first, allow yourself happiness too. Your fear of failure should be appeased by the fact we achieved everything we hoped to set out academically so far *fist pump* almost there, just a couple more years hopefully and we'll be studying Medicine at uni. *fingers crossed*

You're not a disapointment, appreciate yourself more. People love you, but you must learn to love yourself too.

I know you are also going through some very painful events in your life right now and I'm not going to lie, you will carry those emotional scars with you. But they will help shape you into the person I am today- who is someone I'm still learning, slowly but surely, learning to accept.

This year alone you've achieved more than you could ever hope, trust me, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

About the insomnia, it's a little better. We can atleast admit and talk about it now, but sleep still doesn't come so easily. But I have hope for the future, so you should too (:

Let's grow together... you're never alone
All the best - Mini

If anyone is reading this, I tag you to do this challenge! @-@

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