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Amira POV


One word no teenager wants to hear.

Throwing my brunette hair up into a messy bun on top of my head, I finished packing up the last box of my novels. I wiped the dampness from my forehead, applying the tape on the box, sealing it shut.

I've been packing up for two days straight now and I'm glad that I'm finally finished.

I moved the box into my empty living room with the other boxes so that when the lover's truck comes tomorrow it would be easier to load the truck and my stuff would be sent sooner.

Heading back up to my room, which consists of a bed in the middle of the room, an empty dresser, an empty closet; just like my life.

I was raised with a single mother, but she never made me feel like I was missing out on anything and I love her to death for that.

I know that it was hard for her, working as a nurse at crazy hours just to provide for us and to ensure that I never lacked anything. So instead of putting the entire burden on her, I got a job at a diner ad a waitress to help out around the house.

When my mom found out, she busted into tears, saying that she was sorry that I had to do it, but that she was proud of me.

My mom and I always talked about taking a family vacation and our dream destination was Hawaii; and now I've finally saved up enough money for us to go. So I purchased the tickets and booked our hotel rooms.

I was at home preparing our favorite comfort food; Shrimp Alfredo with Crab salad, I've already bought the red velvet cake that we both enjoyed. Everything was done to perfection and I was just waiting for her to get home from work. She has been busy the entire month and I wanted to surprise her with the trip.

Running upstairs to take a quick shower, I changed into a flower print maxi dress, my hair cascade down my back in their natural waves and I placed a hibiscus flower behind my war and socks on my feet.

While I was waiting for her to show up, the doorbell rang. I was a little bemused that mom wouldn't use her keys and we didn't have visitors so who could be at the door.

Answering, two police officers greeted me then gave me the most devastating news of my entire life.

My mom died in a hit an run.

She's dead.

No, this can't be. It's all a big joke. I don't believe it.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No!

My world stopped and I just...broke.

When they gave me their condolences and left... I lost it.

I ripped the flower out of my hair, swiped the plates, glasses and hot food off the table. Spotting the envelope, I ripped it up, I smashed everything in sight and then I just sat on the floor, crying.

After that things became really hard for me. It was my senior year in high school and I barely passed my finals because of how depressed I had gotten. I lost all my friends and having no one there to comfort me or just be there for me to turn to, just lefted me feeling void.

But things were about to change.

The bank told me that my mom had made a will; she has a small house in Italy which she letter me and also all the money that she had, and using those I was going to move to Italy.

It didn't seem right though. Why would mom have a house and left it to pay rent?

Pushing those thoughts into the back of my mind, I sighed and went to take a shower. I needed a rest for the long ride.

Today's Friday, the day that I'm leaving everything behind and looking forward to a new, brighter future.

Today is the day that I'm moving to Italy.

Looking back at my now old house for the last time, I turned around, getting into the taxi and I couldn't help but think; what does italy have in store for me.


Useless. Fucking useless.

These idiots are getting on my nerves and it's taking a miracle for me not to explode and kill everyone of these fucking idiots. They had one job to do, one fucking job. Catch the fucker who owes me my money and bring him to me, yet here I find myself in my car with my driver heading towards one of my clubs.

We pull up outside of La Route, one of the most famous clubs in Italy and my driver opens the car door for me, I can hear all the screeching and whispering of all the girls in line but I just ignore them. One of the stepped in front of me pushing up her breast in my face and blinking her lashes up at me, pathetic.

"Hey handsome" she said while trailing her hands down my chest, "Why don't you say we get out of here and have some fun"

Her blonde hair was in a tight ponytail and her face had on too much makeup. Her breast spilling out of her dress and it was way too short, she was trying too hard.........way too hard.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Sorry but I can't afford you."

"Excuse me, what?" She asked with confusion written all over her face until a light bulb went off in her head, her face turned red from anger and embarrassment.

"I'm not a whore." She screeched

"Yeah, I was going for more like a slut. Now take you're God damn hands off me before I remove your hand myself and trust me girl, it won't be fun." I said glaring at her, she removed her hand like I had burned her and back away with fear visible in her eyes.

I stepped off, leaving her there with her mouth open, gasping like a fish out of water and trembling in fear.

Walking into the club with my two bodyguards behind me, flanking both sides. Once I'm inside the club, I scan the area, seeing who I came for a sinister smirk took over my features.

There he was, in a corner chatting it up with some bimbo who was all over him but really she just wanted the money that he had on the table, more specifically my money.

I made my way over to the table and sat down in the chair in front of him with my bodyguards on both sides of the chair.

"Well aren't you having fun." I said as his hand disappeared under the table. He looked up; ready to lash out but when he saw that it was me, his face paled. And when he saw the rage in my eyes he was speechless.

I saw his Adams apple went up and down as he gulped, he was already starting to sweat. I can feel the fear flowing off him in waves and I loved it, I feed off it.

Good, he should be scared, he should be fucking terrified.

I didn't even give him a change to explain anything thing, "Take him out back." I said as I pushed the chair back and walked away hearing his pathetic pleas of desperation, but what he should have know was not to mess with me.

Once we were in the dark alleyway, they dropped him on the ground as I stood tall over him, just like it's supposed to be, I am his King and he choose to anger me, to steal from me.

Betrayal. One thing that I won't stand for.

I am going to be merciful upon him as I am not in the mood tonight, so I took my gun from out of my holster and shoot him in the head before he could utter a single word.

"Clean this shit up, I would like to go home." And with that said I walked away.

A/N: I'm terrible at starting stories but stick with me guys I've got a lot planned for this book. If you like it click the star at the bottom of the page, leave your comments and share.

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