Chapter 2

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Blue eyes. Bright, blue eyes that look as deep as the ocean but cold as a snowstorm that falls on a February night. Cold, beautiful eyes, framed by long dark lashes and neat eyebrows.

Raven black hair; dark as midnight but looks so soft to the touch. The way that the lights reflects off it, makes it look almost dark blue.

Straight nose and defined jawline.

Pink lips, oh pink sinful lips. Lips that could make any girl swoon, desperate for just a taste. If kissing this man was a sin I would gladly fall into sin, just for a taste.

A stubble ghosts his face, but it just makes him look manlier. Sexier.

His body, clad in a black suit that clung to every muscle. This man looks like a devil created by the hands of a God. A forbidden fruit, but not being able to have it, just makes you want it even more.....

One minute I am being hold up by a strong muscular arm and the next, I'm... falling.


Startled by the sudden action, I let out a shriek when I felt a small pain in my butt.

He-he dropped me.... Was the only thing running through my mind.

Then what was the point of trying to be the hero in the first place.

Standing above me he looks powerful, intimidating, yet, he looks so comfortable like that's how it's supposed to be, me, at his feet. You could tell that he's not one to be messed with, just his aura alone is enough for you to tuck your tail between your legs and run.

Gazing down at me with a curious look, he gives my body a calculating scan, making me feel insecure about my black and white flower skater skirt with my white tank top and black and white converse. I felt so under dress in his presents. Just as quickly as it came, it turns into a blank stare, still calculating but his curiosity long gone.

Before he could say anything, Ms. Mary appeared, "Oh dear", she exclaimed when she saw me on the floor. "Amira, are you alright?" Accepting the hand that she offers for me I got off the floor.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said as I stooped down to pick up the books.

Reaching for the last book, my hand brush against long fingers that sent chills down my spine. The blue eyed devil picked up the book along with the stack of book that I have gathered.

Giving him a strange look, but none the less expressed my gratitude.

'Maybe he's not all bad.' I though to myself.

'Really, he just stopped you from falling then actually let you fall.' Came my brains smart reply.

'Maybe he's bipolar or having an off day?' I contradicted when he place the books on a nearby table.

"I'm sowwy." Comes from a tiny voice behind me.

Hiding behind Ms. Mary's leg is the little adorable perpetrator, who almost knocked me over. She looks to be about 4 years old with her black hair braid in pigtails. Her eyes are light brown and full of curiosity and innocence. She is in a pale blue sundress with white sandals.

Stooping to her level, I answered. "It's okay sweetheart, just be careful next time, wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we?" She shake her little pigtails in a no motion and I smile at how cute she is.

"I'm Amira, what's your name?" I asked with an extended hand.

"Matylda." She place her hand in mine and gave it a shake, when I smiled at her a wide grin took over her face.

Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia Story (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now