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Familial relationships are depicted as being unconditional love. Love that is always available no matter the circumstance. The society being brainwashed into the idea of the perfect nuclear family. Parents to be happily married with no complications and children who naively believe the world is full of peaches and cream. This ideology creates an obsession with others who have never experienced unconditional love and undivided attention.
Beginning with the parents, who in an intoxicated state conceive the child. With no love, no purpose, their actions only driven by lust and selfish pleasures.
The child is brought up in a 'broken' home, blamed for the parents unhappiness and lack of emotions.
This physiologically damaging the child, pushing them to gain recognition from the outside world, from strangers, leading them to risky encounters.

Ashley is a young 23 year old with ambition and determination to become a better version of the people who have entered her life, primarily her parents.
Her mother, Jennifer is a 'working woman'* leading to her neglectful parenting style as she leaves the house for days at a time and comes home drugged and infuriated.
Her father Rick Borman, nicknamed 'sperm donor' is a successful businessman owning assets accumulating to billions of dollars. As it's been said before people with power are the leaders of corruption and can always buy themselves out of trouble. Rick's encounters with Jennifer allowed her to gain large sums of money hence giving her more of a reason to stay. Their nights together meant nothing but pleasure from one end and business from the other end.
Ashley lived in a house which was gifted by the generous Rick Borman as a push gift for Jennifer. However it was basically Ashley's house since her mother out for most of her life.

Staring at the lounge room ceiling letting her imagination race through her mind was her only way to escape the ugly reality. That she was really alone, except for Jackson who paid her regular visits to ensure Ashley's well-being.
Ashley was feeling drowsy when a sudden cold breeze shocked her state of mind. The floor to ceiling French shutters had busted open bringing the bitter crisp scent of the autumnal overcast. Ashley cuddled the knitted throw and snapped her vision to the window waiting for her expected visitor. One leg at a time Jackson climbed into the lounge room closing the windows behind him. He stood confidently buried under the warmth of a grey woolen textured beanie and an expensive looking fur lined kharki coat, chino pants with tanned cognac boots.
He walked slowly and somewhat seductively towards Ashley while removing his beanie and coat laying them carefully on the ottoman near the lightened fireplace, which casted a warm burnt orange glow on his skin, deepening the shadows and contours of his face.
"Hey Ash, you are looking good today. I'm guessing you had a good relaxing night with your mum" he started and Ashley slightly blushed at his compliment.
"You don't look bad yourself Jack. Yeah mums been out for about a week, but don't worry I'm not concerned anymore, I've sadly of gotten use to it" Ashley truthfully revealed with a frown.
Jackson continued his way towards Ashley and embraced her tightly reassuring her that her life would get better.
"I know the feeling, Margaret hasn't been home in around 2 weeks. My guess is that they are both working together on this mission. She keeps ringing me but I'm not answering, I don't want her to get the impression that what she is doing is right and that I'm encouraging her, ya know" he said with a harsh tone as memories of Margaret's continual abandonment during his upbringing replayed in his mind.
"I would be the first person to get it trust me. Except my mum hasn't even tried to contact me during this mission of hers, I don't know whether to be concerned or not" replied Ashley.
"I'm sure Jennifer and Margaret are together on this mission since they didn't tell us anything of it" Jackson refused to call Margaret mum as she didn't entail any of the attributes of being a caregiver.
Margaret and Jennifer were 'working' colleagues making Ashley and Jackson's relationship flow easily.
"Can I get you anything? I stocked up on the ingredients of hot chocolate. Can I tempt you to some?" Ashley offered to which Jackson politely nodded.
Ashley got up still wrapped in the throw and made her way down the hallway and into the modernized kitchen which was only recently renovated by the money offered by Rick Borman. He had been financially assisting Ashley and her mother in exchange for them to not publicly announce Rick's encounters which had lead to Ashley being conceived. And as for Jennifer she would keep her 'working' profession without being caught by the authorities if she took care of Ashley and let no harm come to her. It was a way of sick blackmail which made Ashley feel as if she was in the middle of it all. Ashley hated this pact between her parents and wanted them to both pay for their poor life choices made.
"Man this is such a nice kitchen the marble detail is just exquisite and the architecture of the chandelier is truly a work of art. This kitchen always leaves me in awe" Jackson was significantly impressed since he was the head of a successful architectural company which designs skyscrapers and celebrity homes.
His amazement and engrossed nature made him irresistible to Ashley, he was the perfect gentleman who understood Ashley and never judged her. She was drawn to him, and as the days past he became more lovable, his loyal and protective nature reminded Ashley that her life would change soon and they could possibly be together.
Ashley just eyed Jackson with her warm caramel eyes, she just enjoyed watching him in is own world as he evaluated every aspect of the kitchen. Jackson felt her stares and walked towards her with his dark eyes engaged with hers. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his forehead against hers and they chest pressed tightly as they both enjoyed the running heartbeats of each other. It was comforting to know that they were always there for each other, and no broken parental relationship would drive them apart.
Ashley twisted her engagement ring which seemed to be of a habit when Jackson was around her. His proposal made 2 and a half years ago was a act of reassurance that Jackson would always be there for Ashley, he proposed a few months after the incident had occurred with Ashley which made her feel alone and scared.
Their little moment of pure love and silence was disturbed by the growing cries coming from the nursey down the hall near the lounge room. With a small smile Ashley left Jackson and raced to comfort her son who was standing in his cot surrounded by his stuffed toys and his bottle.
"Hey big man! You look happy to see mummy, guess who is here to see you?" she asked as Matt giggled at the appearance of his mother.
"Come here. Oh my god did you put on weight while you were sleeping?" Ashley smirked.
And let Matt run out of his room down to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
"Boo!!" Jackson screamed to Matt who shrieked in reply.
"I not scared!" Matt replied confidently.
"Oh God Jackson your gonna give him a heart attack!" Ashley said protectively.
Matt had been born with a severe case of diabetes making him more precious and delicate and needing 24/7 attention. Making Ashley's life more difficult but she loved and cared about him so much, the love she had for him made it all worth it. He was such a good child, life with him was as easy as it could be. He was gorgeous to say the least, his eyes were a dolled sea blue colour and his skin was olive in colour giving him the appearance of being sun-kissed. His personality was thankfully like his mother quiet and shy yet attentive and inquisitive.

Ashley leaned against the door frame and watched as Jackson effortlessly scooped Matt up with his right arm, they both laughed hysterically. Ashley looked at her perfect little family, the two loves of her life made her whole world complete and so much better. Jackson gives Matt unconditional love even though he does know the truth about Matt, he doesn't seem to care. He knows how much Matt means to me and he has been the closest thing Matt has to a father.
She couldn't imagine a life without either of them, they made her fight everyday, to keep herself determined for a better life for them.

Hope you liked the first chapter.

I feel like some people may not know what I mean when I say Ashley's mum(Jennifer) is a 'working woman'* --- it basically means she is a prostitute.
Jennifer never married Rick Borman (Ashley's biological father) he was her client.

Hope that clarifies things.
More clarifications about Ashley's son(Matt) and her relationship with Jackson will be revealed in future chapters.

Plz write your thoughts in the comments I would love to hear from you.
XoXo Khadija

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