Chapter 3 Moving to a new life

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Moving to a new life

Vanessa's POV

I had been driving for about 22 hours now from Miami to Tulsa and I was finally about to pull into my new apartment, which was about 20 minutes from my new job with the Tulsa Gang Unit. I still have about 2 weeks till I start so for these next two weeks I'll be finding a daycare for my kids, I have a 6-month-old and a 7-year-old. Now I already have school ready for my son but, I will be working nights and need a night daycare for my kids because I'm a single mom. But the good news is, is that I moved here to share custody of my kids with my Ex-husband, so at least I will have someone to help me with moving

Tomorrow I'll be swinging by my new job to meet the guys and I'm gonna try to get some ideas on living here and try to find a nice gym, park, and maybe get some friends for me.

As I was rounding the corner about 10 minutes from my apartment when I saw red and blue lights in my rear-view window. I was being pulled over so I immediately pulled over and looked in my side-view mirrors to three cops and a camera crew, what my luck I was being pulled over by my future team.

"Ma'am can I have you step out of your car." The officer said and as soon as I looked at him I saw Gang Unit Sgt S.C. Larkin.

"Yes I can but I got to get my kids out of the car. And I have a gun holstered in my middle console with my badge and gun permit there too, but I won't go near there," I told the sergeant.

"Alright, just don't reach for it," he replied.

As I got my kids and myself out of the car I asked why I was pulled over because I know I had my lights on, and I know I was following the speed limit, but I was thinking that I broke one of the many different state to state traffic laws.

"It was nothing you did wrong, we've been having reports on a silver hummer with a few gang members in it and we are just checking around," was another officers response who's badge said officer Dupler.

"Well I'm glad my future co-workers are very observant are very observant and are doing a great job," was my response.

But that got his attention, because he just stared at me with a curious look.

"I'm Lt. Hudgens, I'm gonna be starting in about 2 weeks, I'm trying to get settled. I was actually gonna stop by tomorrow or the next day to uhhh figure out stuff out and find some places around here." I replied.

"Oh really, well nice to meet you. We will let you get home, but if you need any help give us a call, here's my number," Sgt Larkin told me.

Well thank you, see you guys soon," I Said as I put my kids in the car.

I was just about to leave when someone knocked on my car door window and when I looked I saw it was Sgt. Larkin so I rolled down my window, he was asking for my address, so if I needed him or and the team, or if they wanted to come by to help me move furniture, and of course since he was cute I was fine with giving it for his number of course.

Sean's POV

As I was driving down the road I saw that there was a silver hummer driving down the road a little slowly, but still following the speed limit, but it matched the description of a new gang car in town, so we went lights and sirens and breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled over easily. When me and Josh got out of the car to do a traffic stop I saw that it was a young female with two kids in the back seat.

(I'm not going through the whole conversation again just his thoughts.)

The lady seemed nice so I didn't take much worry, till I saw an empty holster on her hip but before I could ask her about it she told me she was an off-duty officer with a gun in the glove box. She got out of the car got her kids out and then went and talked to my partner this morning Josh. After I checked the car, I walked over to her and Josh. I couldn't help but think how beautiful she was holding her little baby girl, who was asleep, and her son holding onto her leg. He didn't seem scared but that must be because his mom was a cop, but then she must be married.

As I was walking back towards her and Josh I heard the end of her conversation, and found out she was our new Lt. she must have worked hard to become an Lt. so quickly, makes me glad to be able to work with her. After talking with her for her and finding out she was moving here we let her leave. As we were about to get into the car, Josh told looked at me and said, "she was single and I know you are ready to mingle. Also, I think she likes you she said she loves watching you ohhhh I mean us, on tv."

And that was all I needed I ran back up to the car in a professional manner, if there is one and knocked on her window, I saw that she was still getting herself situated. As she rolled down her window I looked in and said, "Hey, I'm getting off in a little our night shift is almost over, I know you already have my number but maybe I can get your address and I can maybe swing by, with the team, and help you move if you need it."

"Yeah, I would love if you, I mean the team, came over and helped me. It's only me and the kids, my ex won't help even though I'm here to give him shared custody. Sorry you probably didn't want to hear all that." She told me.

"Alright well I'll call when, if I'm in the area," I told her and let her leave as I walked back to me car.

When I got back to the car, Josh looked at me with a look that I knew immediately, thank goodness there's a camera crew with me, so he can't make any weird comments.

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