A Relationship or a Career

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"Hi Chief Gardel, I have to talk to you about something."

"Come in, Lt. Hudgens. It's good to see you. I'm sorry that I had to call you in early. What's wrong, is there a problem with the new team." The chief said, standing up to shake my hands.

"Not a problem with the team, actually quite the opposite. I was attacked by my ex-husband in my house. Sean Larkin, tried to save me, but I took care of myself. Though I brought Sean inside my house to help me move things around and inside, and I fell for him. Now I love this job, and I haven't even started, but, I would choose Sean, over this job. But I wanted to come out and say this so it didn't effect are jobs."

After pouring my heart out to my boss, I sat down, and waited, for what felt to me like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds. Now I have never had this problem, but as a lieutenant I have seen the damages and have had to separate team members because of this, but I have also seen relationships work, and have not had to separate members.

While in my own head thinking of the situation I got myself in I was brought out of the fight in my head by the chief, that I sadly, forgot was there.

"I'm glad you came to me, but let me get Sean in here." He said reaching for his phone dialing what I could only assume to be Sean's number. After mumbling a few things, and waiting a few seconds Sean walked in.

Looking in his eyes I was glad to see the professional side of Sean that I saw the first day, instead of the love I see in his eyes when we are together behind these offices. When I looked into Gardel's eyes I knew he was looking at that too.

"So, me and Lt. Hudgens have agreed that with you too in a relationship then, I can't have you guys working together. Now I don't want to have to separate you two, so I will go to the other departments, to see if someone will switch with her." he told Sean.

At first, I was confused, because neither me or Gardel, had said anything along the lines to this statement, but then it hit me, he was trying to test Sean, to see his reaction, and I was proud when Sean looked over at me then at our boss and said,

"Well then if that is what you think is the best, then I guess that is what you should do. I just want to let you know that I can be, and I believe that Vanessa can be professional in a work environment."

As he said this Chief Gardel, looked at me and I shook my head in agreement.

And then he said the words I was hoping he would say...

"Vanessa can stay as your teams Lieutenant, but know this if you guys mess up one time, I will have to transfer you. But also, if you guys need help, or have any problems, I am here to help. I will take care of Internal Affairs, if there becomes a problem, but there are no rules against you too dating, as Vanessa is working in other departments as well. Now I think you guy have business to do."

"Thank you Chief, and your right, we do have work to do."

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