Chapter 4 moving furniture with a fight

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Chapter 4: Moving Furniture????????

Sean's POV

I had just gotten off work, and it was a little later than I expected so instead of calling Vanessa, I was going to just swing by see if I saw any lights on or saw Vanessa outside. When I got outside her house I saw Vanessa trying to unload the hitched storage container, but instead it looked like she was getting into a heated argument.

"Just leave my house now," I heard Vanessa yell at this mystery man, and when I looked up at the door the closest to Vanessa I saw her son crying.

Vanessa POV

I had just gotten a few boxes in the house, I had gotten the playpen set up for Sadie and the blow-up bed set up for Jake but I still wanted to get at least the couch I had a dolly and was on the bottom floor and I was strong so I thought I could get this, I know the team said they would help me but I didn't think they would do this. I had gotten out a few boxes but still hadn't found the couch yet, I has hoping I would find a comfy chair or mattress or couch so I can sleep somewhere. I had just checked on the kids Sadie was asleep in her play pen, so I took out the toys, and Jake had the whole blow-up but it was only a twin so I figured. I was gonna give it ten more minutes before I gave up and slept on the floor. I was just about to give up and look for blankets in the boxes I had brought inside when I heard a car door. Even though I thought it was Sean and the team I still reached for my gun which was on my hip, after I only heard one car door I got really on notice after I only heard 1 door close, but then I heard a voice from hell, my ex-husband.

"Well look who we have hear, thought you wouldn't be here till tomorrow," Matthew said

Time to act "Yeah well traffic was small, we got here a little early, shocked me too, we only got here a little while ago. I would of called but its late and the little ones are asleep, I got Jakie on the air mattress and Sadie in her play pen and the baby monitor on my hip, I would be asleep too but I forgot to keep out the extra blankets." I nicely said to Matthew, but in my head I was really trying to figure out a way to get him to leave.

"Yeah sure you did, lets cut the sweet friendly talk. I want my kids," he yelled as he got in my face, "Not only did you lie to me but now your trying to keep my kids from me." He finished yelling as he pushed me into some of the boxes in the truck, but also a wooden cabnet.

"OWWWWW" I said as I fell to my knees, but I didn't let that hold me down, I stood right up and got right back in his face, keeping my voice down telling saying, "first of all I don't have to tell you anything, you do not have any custody over them unless I say so. Secondly, Jake doesn't want to see you after what you did before you made me move here, remember that huh. You need to leave before I make you leave."

After I said that I pushed myself past him and jumped out of the truck, but sadly, he was right behind me, but this time he had a metal pole, a small curtain rod, that was in the truck. As soon as I saw that I reached for my 9 mm glock that was on my hip. But just as he was about to swing I heard not only one voice but two, the first sounded a little familiar but I couldn't place it, but the other made me turn, it was my sons.

Sean's POV

I was just going to go sit by Jake because I figured out that this argument was a marital or ex marital, custody battle, but then I saw Vanessa go for her back-up weapon at first I was confused but then I saw the man that was yelling at her grab a metal rod.


But with her son yelling, I saw Vanessa look back at her son, and in horror I watched the man swing the rod, as that happened I yelled for Vanessa to duck. But as I was running to her I saw exactly why she was a Lt. as she went on the defense immediately, and got that rod out of his hands and got him restrained, so when I got there I only had to cuff him, and make sure she was okay.

After I got him secured I called my buddy Josh since he was working a double to come by and pick this guy up, then I turned and looked behind me at V and saw that she was holding her back, but also by this time Jake had came and ran up to her.

"Hey are you okay, did he hurt you," I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just, well he pushed me into a dresser." She replied

"What happened here," as I was asking her this I saw Josh and his partner Michaels, pull up and run up to us.

They could tell I was asking questions so they just got their notebook out and got ready to take notes.

Vanessa started with telling us that the guy here was her abusive ex-husband, and that he did not have custody over the kids, but they were working on getting him some. At the time, he only had visitation rights. He had come here to see the kids but when she implied that she wouldn't let that happen he got aggressive.

It was about a half hour discussion and during this time Jake fell asleep on her shoulder.

"Alright, well lets get this guy to jail and get this little guy to bed, before we leave do you need any help." Josh told and asked V.

"Ummmmmmm, no I got this I was just trying to get the couch out of the truck or a mattress but I gave up, I'm just going to ummmm grab some blankets and sleep on the floor cant be worst then the air mattress right," she replied.

At that moment me Josh and Mattheuws looked at each other jumped into the truck moved a few boxes and grabbed the couch, V looked at us and told us we didn't have to but she knew we wanted to help she showed us to her apartment and where she wanted it and then with the promise that we would be back tomorrow we left and brought him to jail from domestic battery and assault with a deadly weapon.

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