A Crush is Brewin'

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Chapter 5 A Crush Brewin'

I had been about 20 minutes since Josh and his partner had taken Matthew to jail, but what they didn't know was that Seth had stayed and was helping Vanessa unpack a few of the boxes, they had gotten through a few of the boxes when Vanessa started to get a little thirst.

Vanessa's POV

"Hey I'm going to grab a drink really quick, do you want something. I was going to grab a glass of red but I got a few sodas, juice, I think I got a beer or two or a 18 pack, hey I need something to keep me sane while I unpack all of this."

"Yeah, sure I'll take a glass of red, don't want you getting drunk, and don't want to waste a nice bottle of wine." He said

"Okay, well find two glasses, I'll find a bottle opener, and grab a nice bottle of 86' pinot." I said with a sexy smile.

Wait why am I trying to look sexy I wondered as I walked toward the kitchen after I found a bottle open. I don't know what it is but there is just something about Sean that makes me for the first time in a while want to be pretty, but most importantly feel loved. I don't know what to think.

Sean's POV

After Vanessa had walked away, I soaked in the moment, the moment that would soon come. After what happened a little earlier I felt like I had to take care of her, protect her. I did what she had said, I looked for a box that had something to do with a glass of wine, but realized soon that all the boxes in the living room where boxes that belonged in this room so I went into the kitchen.

When I got into the kitchen I see a view that will never get out of my head. I saw Vanessa with her already too tight t-shirt pulled all the way up to breast showing her wonderful tattoo that looked to be a little painful on her ribs. But all I could do was lick my lips because she was a beautiful girl, and I wished I could have a chance with her.

I didn't want to scare her so I cleared my voice a little she jumped a little but tried to cover it.

"Hey what's up, can't find the glasses." She jokingly said.

"No I figured out that all the dishes boxes are either in the kitchen or still in the truck so I came in here to look," as I was talking I started taking little steps towards her subconsciously till I was right in front of her.

"Well then I guess we should start unpacking because I can't seem to find the corkscrew either." She said in a sexy and sultry way but as she was talking she started walking towards me so by the time we were done with our little talk we were right in front of each other on chest to chest.

At that point I knew she realized that because she started to look a little embarrassed so to not put her through any I didn't bring up this instead I just cleared my throat and turned around to look at the boxes. When I looked over my shoulder I saw Vanessa a little frazzled still by the counter. But a few seconds later I saw that she was snapping out of it and started looking through boxes until she saw one that said cutlery, so I turned back around to look threw my boxes, when I heard her say my name, so I looked at her where she nodded towards a box that said glasses. So, I went over and looked, as soon as I found my glasses I heard the cork pop on the wine glasses.

After the glasses where poured I lead Vanessa back to the couch to talk a little about herself.

"So, tell me a little bit of your careers," I asked her.

"Well it all started with me being 18 I worked for the military, I was actually a lead sniper in the marines and army, its where I met Matthew, my Ex-Husband the kid's dad. I did that for about 2 years when I had Jake I started to side jobs with a federal Government agency called NCIS or Naval Criminal Investigative Services I worked in LA under the watchful eye of a wonderful woman called Hetty Lange, I worked with her for about a year in a half when I was called by the Navy to ask if I would join their training class to see if I could be an Navy Seal, and um 4 months later I was a navy SEAL Sniper and I was in seal team 6 for about 1 years when I was returning to base after my last mission I was shot three times by an older soldier that felt that I had outshined him, and wanted the money that the Taliban had with a dead or alive warrant on me but, I survived my shooting I was in a coma for about 4 months when I had awoken I was given a purple heart and a few other awards as well as a honorable discharge. At that point I was in therapy for about 5 months to learn how to walk again, then a little military therapy to learn to shoot, was still great at it though. After that I had the option to go back to NCIS but I talked with Matthew a little and agreed with him that working for a smaller unit would be better so I joined the homicide unit for about 2 years when I started wanting to make a difference trying to save lives before they were killed so I joined the Gang Unit, but I also worked part time with sexual crimes in the Special Victims Unit. I did that for 2 years when I got pregnant worked till I was 8 months pregnant had my baby got divorced and moved here." She told me. Through her story, I started loving her more and more and knew that I could trust her in the field and prayed that she would be my partner. I was brought out of my daze by her asking me about myself.

I told her that I had worked for 19 years been with the gang task force for 16 of those I was a single dad of two kids a 17-year-old daughter that was a model and a 14-year-old son that had dreams to follow his father. I told her that I had divorced their mother and gotten sole custody after I caught my wife cheating on me, sadly I must work with her new husband, which she made a face to with a little giggle. I also told her that the team was a family and was happy to have her. I told her a little bit of the streets being that they were an okay bunch a lot didn't try to run because they knew us.

She replied that she was glad that was how itwas she loved groups like that. Then we got to business, she started to askabout gyms and babysitters and grocery store, so I offered to take her to mygym and told her that if it was okay to her and my son he could watch them whenneeded if she wanted which she agreed to. We talked for a little bit andfinished the bottle of wine, and being a cop I didn't want to be pulled overfor Drinking and driving so I asked if I could stay, which she gladly acceptedand put in a movie. About an hour later I felt Vanessa fall asleep on myshoulder so I got comfortable and fell asleep cuddled with Vanessa.

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