Genocide, Genocide, Reset

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Frisk's P.O.V

I can't stop running. If I stop, they'll catch me. These ruins seem to last forever, changing the turns and twists, ups and downs, with each step I take in the chase.

The Voice of a Thousand Voices calls out constantly: Genocide. Genocide. Genocide. Reset. Genocide. They won't stop talking to me.

I called out to Sans, but nobody came. I called out to Papyrus, but nobody came. I called out louder to Toriel, and she came. She stood at the door to her little home, waiting for me.

"Frisk!" She called. "Frisk!"

"Toriel! Stop them! Please help me! M-Mother!" I yelled breathlessly, sprinting towards her, only to be held back like a treadmill.

Her sweet voice calling in pain for me swiftly changed into the bloody screech of the Voice of a Thousand Voices in a matter of seconds.

Fool! This world won't last much longer. Blood will spill blood and the snow of Snowdin will turn red! The waterfall of the Caverns will turn scarlet and stick as blood! The heat of Hotland will grow hotter still as the warmth of blood floods into it's gaping mouth! The dust of monsters will cloud the air, sweetly choking their loved ones to death! It's over, Frisk! There's nothing you can do now!

The dark shadows behind my aching body began to creep closer to me, beginning to swallow me up in it's claws. I was too scared to do anything but run pointlessly. "W-What do you mean?! Who are you?!"

Oh, Frisk, you know EXACTLY who I am. We've met before. And we will meet again. You won't stop what has started. You can't stop what has begun. I'll be with you each step of the whole staircase, however.

The darkness tugged at my limbs, begging for me to stop running. Toriel looked as if she was in pain as her body was used as a vessel for the Voice of a Thousand Voices. "Please... stop!" I called to her.

This star is reborn. This star will shine brighter than any Underground crystal. Brighter than any surface star. Brighter than your sparkle. Frisk, it's time for your star, yourself, to die and become a supernova. I'm done waiting. This time, I won't screw up. This time, the souls will kneel before me as they shake in fear!

"No! Stop! I won't let you hurt anyone!" I screamed, reaching for Toriel's hand, advancing a few inches despite my legs almost giving out.

Hah! Good luck trying to stop yourself!     
S I N C E W H E N. W E R E. Y O U. T H E. O N E. I N. C O N T R O L?

I couldn't take the pain anymore. My legs gave out and I fell to the ruins' floor. "I'm sorry..." I whispered.

The cold darkness surrounded me, swallowing me up in it's shadows. I tried desperately once more to free myself but I couldn't. I felt myself fall into a void, tumbling and slamming into invisible walls. Strange symbols flashed past me as I fell further into the darkest of pitch black, just waiting for death.
"Frisk? Frisk, please wake up!"

"Y-You really s-shouldn't r-rush her like t-that..."

"I need to know that she's okay! I can't lose her! I don't know what I'd do without her!"

"She's a-alive, don't w-worry. Just give her s-some time."

"C'mon Frisk... It's me... I'm right here. Can't you feel my hand on yours?"
I woke up screaming and panting, sitting upright very quickly. I felt as if the darkness had been choking me. I couldn't breathe. It tugged at my hand and shouted into my head and-BLECH!

"O-Oh dear! Frisk! Are y-you okay?! I'll grab some towels!"

In the corner of my blurred eye, I could see a small yellow and white blur race away from me. I could see a white and blue figure sitting quite close to me, a white blur smothering my hand.

"Frisk! You're awake! Thank Asgore!"

"Y-you shouldn't sit up so quickly..." The stuttering voice said and the yellow blob returned, holding turquoise blobs. The turquoise figures were laid across me where the heat of vomit remained.

"W-What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?" I stammered, feeling my whole body shake.

"Her vision is p-probably blurry or blind..." A voice said quietly. Then it spoke up. "Frisk, listen to our voices. I'm Alphys. Can you see me? Hear me?"

Everything began to come back to me. "Yes I can... S-Sans?"

"That's right.. I'm here, kiddo. Are you okay?" He replied, slowly embracing me.

I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of a sweet hug; not choking waves of shadows. My vision cleared out as I opened my eyes. I pulled away and looked around. I was sitting on the couch in Sans' house. Towels were strewn across me where I guessed I accidentally threw up. Sans was sitting in a chair next to me and Alphys stood a few inches from the staircase. Scientific, doctor-y tools lay across the coffee table in a tray. Tubes and bottles were filled with different substances.

I stared at both monsters in the room, about to question what was going on. They looked at me the same way.

A few heartbeats passed before Sans finally spoke. "Okay, okay, we'll explain first."

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