The Truth

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M-My idea of friends...?

"Y-Yes... What do you think of them?" Alphys repeated.

"Is she... thinking?!" Sans asked quietly. Alphys nodded.

He gazed at Frisk's unmoving body. 'I'm sorry, kid. I don't know if this will work or not. I love you.'

I-I guess I miss having someone who cared about me... But that doesn't matter now. I don't need friends. I don't need anyone but Frisk. Frisk is my only chance of completing my goals.

"W-What would you do... I-If you could have a-a f-friend to be n-nice to?"

Pathetic questions. I would bring them to the dark side and help me with my plan.

"You could try to be...N-Nice?"

Ugh! I'm done with this "being nice" crap! I want one thing, and that is for all of you to be dead!

Suddenly, I felt the weight become stronger and I felt myself falling completely unconscious.

This is what you get!

Chara, now having full control over my body, raced around, grabbing weapons.

Sans' eyes widened, losing their white glow. "Alphys! Get out of here!"

Chara giggled as she picked up a sharpened knife. She smiled and charged at Alphys with rage that drives her at full speed. Sans focused and teleported himself in front of Alphys.

I could hear myself speak aloud unconsciously.

I'm sorry.

I regained some of my consciousness and looked from the weight of Chara. A knife was held tightly in my grip, and was shoved between Sans' arm and his body. I stared as small specks of dust flew off of the yellow lizard.


Sans' smile widened. "I'll kill you, Chara. No matter what anyone says, it's clear that friendship will never be your style. I'm going to kill you, and make you suffer more than when you died. More than when Asriel betrayed your plans."

I felt myself fall to the floor, fully conscious. The weight was gone, and I felt like I was going to shatter to a million pieces.

"A-Alphys... are you..." I whispered.

"I-I'm f-fine, Frisk..." she whispered. Sans talked to her for a moment before she slowly made her way into a separate room.

Sans hurried beside me, picking me up and holding me in his lap. "Frisk, are you alright?"


"We'll find another way. We can-"


"W-What?" Sans' pupils returned to a white glow.

"No." I sighed. "It's my fate, and mine alone. I have to do this on my own-"

Before I could finish, Sans pulled me toward him, holding me close to his skull. I felt blush creeping up to my face. He used one hand to hold my head up to his, and he kissed me passionately.

Wow... I've missed this feeling...

As soon as we parted, Sans held a finger to my lips. "You are not doing this alone. No matter what, I am by your side, and I won't leave it. Even if you go berserk, I'll be there."

Alphys walked back inside the lab room, looking better. She must have "restored" her health, as she called it.


"I'm sorry," I say, repeating what I said before the incident happened.

"It's alright. I'm fine. You can go home. I'll c-call up U-Undyne and we'll..."

She trailed off again. "You'll make out with each other?!" I joked, smiling at Alphys' yellow scales turning red with embarrassment.

"N-n-no! T-to h-help me c-clean u-up..." she stuttered, hiding her face in her claws.

"I love you, Alphys!" I called out to her.

Sans gave me a jokingly-jealous look and kissed me again.

Things might be going okay... for now.

Just you wait.

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