| Chastity's Thought #2 |

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Chastity had always considered her friend to be adventurous.

Yet, she seemed to be wrong as Peter uttered, in a definitive tone, two words.

"Bad idea."

He shook his head, and shook it again when saw Chastity and Lily gaping.

"Why not?" Chastity asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

At the same time, Lily muttered under her breath:
"Party pooper."

Peter simply rolled his eyes.

"I'm not going on a roadtrip with you, Chastity. You'll get in trouble. Odds are, you'll get killed." He said without blinking. He was adamant as he continued talking: "And that's way too much paperwork."

"Come on Pete! I'll be on my best behavior!"

"Yeah, and I'll look out for her." Lily added. She had been dying to go on a roadtrip for her whole 18 years of existence. "Besides, don't you think it could be a really great adventure before we go to college?"

Chastity was starting to be sullen. There was no way in Hell this opportunity to find her Prince Charming could go on without Peter. He would be the only thing keeping both Lily and her from getting overwhelmed with excitement.

"Correction: You two are finishing high school. I'm already in college babe." Peter smirked. He loved the concept of being one year older and constantly bragged about what he considered to be an advantage. (Chastity never understood his constant need to made sure they knew he was older; she always blamed it on him trying to set his position as a male Alpha and let it at that.)

"Yeah, but this summer is our last one where we'll be the three of us together. After this summer... I'll be halfway across the country while you'll be together here." Chastity stammered. She was still getting used to the fact that high school was nearly over.

"I know Chaz and it's sucks that you're going away. But how are you expecting me to agree to this idea when it's still just a figment of an actual plan?" Peter sighed and passed a hand through his disheveled hair.

He added, in a softer voice, as he saw the bummed look on Chastity's face: "There's lots of things to consider. Where do we go? How much will it cost? That's some important stuff to think about. And how do you expect to find your soulmate this way? Love doesn't work like that Chaz."

Chastity deflated. Peter was right, after all. She didn't think this through. She never thought anything through, she just... Chastity just threw herself wholeheartedly in everything and never dared to look at the consequences.

"Yeah, alright, you have a point." She admitted, the deception clearly etched onto her features.

Chastity just wanted to do something unexpected and fun without any rules with her two best friends. It will be their last adventure together and her last opportunity to find someone.

"No! No, it's not alright. Let's not drop this too soon." Lily said, her eyes wide open as she bit her lip. "It's a good idea. Peter, the whole point of a roadtrip is to not plan anything and just... Go where the road takes you."

Chastity shook her head, "Lily drop it, he's rig-" She tried to intervene, but even she wasn't convinced yet. So when Lily interrupted her, she didn't bother to fight.

"And Love works in mysterious ways." Lily grinned and squeezed her boyfriend's hand. She was doing this for Chastity. She saw how her friend was walking on thin ice these past few weeks.

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