| Chastity's Thought #3 |

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    Chastity had thought Jasper was a conceited asshole the very first day they met. She also believed he would be the death of her.

    But that was another story for another time, as she was too preoccupied with the fact that the very idiot everyone called Jasper (Chastity called him Satan) wasn't just standing obnoxiously on her porch, he was also smirking at her. Smirking.

    Chastity squinted her eyes at him and huffed, a behavior that only appeared when she was close to Jasper. He shook his head at her demeanor, an amused glint held in his ice blue eyes.

    "Honey, aren't you going to greet me?" He uttered in that perfect deep voice of his, which Chastity had supposedly gotten immune to. (At least, that's what she told Lily when she angrily ranted about him.)

     She fiercely grabbed her large travel bag and with a rather dramatic look on her face, said:


     Her voice was cold and unwavering, a little bit similar to her emotions she felt regarding him. (Hatred would be the best word, yet Chastity took pride in the fact that she, and quote "was as hateful as a penguin", which in her vocabulary meant not hateful at all.)

    He gave her a charming grin and licked his botton lip, his eyes trailing over Chastity. "It's always a... pleasure to see you, love."

    Chastity simply huffed again, not flattered in the least bit. "It's a shame it's not reciprocated."

    Jasper only rolled his eyes. He took two steps towards her, reaching for her bag. However, Chastity, slightly scared and totally untrustworthy, took three steps back.

    Jasper chuckled and exclaimed:
    "Relax sweetheart. I won't bite you." He paused, then smirked, again, "Not unless you want me to."

    "And you wonder why I call you Satan!" Chastity stared at him distastefully. "You make my life a living hell."

    Chastity still gave him her bag after all, even after he said, with a wink:
    "You love it."

     (Chastity really did not love it.)

    With a sigh, she grumpily descended the stairs, following after Jasper. Chastity tried to reasoned that Jasper was the only blemish in what will be an amazing trip. She just had to ignore him.

    Jasper was actually Peter's other (Chastity always added "less fabulous" after that) best friend. They had met in kindergarten and had hated each other all through middle school and sophomore year. At least, until they'd realised the girl they were fighting over had actually moved out of town two years after they met. Ever since then, they had been joined at the hip.

    When they arrived at the car, they were greeted with a sight that they would rather like to forget. Jasper knocked on the car window. The two lovers jumped in surprised and sheepished, smoothed over their clothes. He simply chuckled, a part of him proud of Peter, and another, uncomfortable.

   After he carefully dropped (Chastity actually watched him to make sure he didn't threw it) Chastity's bag in the trunk, they got seated into the front, which of course Chastity threw a fit. But then, she agreed she would rather be in the front with Jasper than in the back with the couple.
    Chastity had done enough third wheeling to last a lifetime. Hopefully, after this trip, she would never have to third-wheel again.

    Even if it meant surviving the Devil.

    She slammed the door behind her, which Peter complained about since it was his mother's van, and gave Jasper a dirty look.

   Jasper rolled his eyes, "You should really start to appreciate me a bit more Cupcake."

    "Now, why would I have to do that?" Chastity wondered, a raised eyebrow.

    He turned to look at her and with a tone that was dripping arrogance, commented:

    "Aren't I the only reason that this search for your soulmate, your prince or whatever - is happening?"

    Chastity shrunk slightly in her seat. She didn't say anything in regards to that, only took the old map that lied on the dashboard.

    "Now, where thou Romeo?" Jasper told Peter, who was in an intense lip-locking session with Lily.

    Peter was the actual mastermind of the plan. Just before Finals, he had planned the whole trip out, including the budget, the supplies and, well, everything. (Chastity didn't want to think about it too much. The sacrifices and the time it had took him, scared she'd feel guilty.)

Peter untangled himself from Lily and leaned into his seat.

"I wrote it all on the map in red marker."

Jasper nodded and tried to take the map from Chastity's firm grip. She shook her head.

"Hell no captain, I'm not leaving you in charge of our demise." She said. Her eyebrows furrowed. She didn't trust him one bit. "I'm the one handling our itinerary."

Jasper started laughing. Uncontrollably. So much he had to clench his stomach. Chastity's eyebrows furrowed even deeper.

"What?" She snarled.

He took a deep breath. His blue eyes roaming over Chastity's unamused face. "Oh God, you're funny. I forget how funny you are," he says.

"What?" She slowly repeated. Now she was frowning.

"You actually think..." He paused to laugh, wheezing. "I will cause our demise. Cupcake, you are something else."

Chastity gave him a dubious look. "I still can't see how that's funny."

Jasper shook his head. "Of course, you can't." He offered her a smirk. "I'll leave you in charge of the map, but don't blame me when we're lost."

Chastity hesitated. (She knew the probability of being lost with her in charge were undoubtedly high, but she still didn't trust Jasper enough.) This was her road-trip, her chance.

She then firmly stared at him, the moment of hesitation gone and replaced by a feeling of challenge, and unfolded the map.

Jasper chuckled.
"Alright," he gave in. "Just remember it's all on you from this moment onwards."

She huffed at his display of faith. (In all honesty, Chastity couldn't blame him. Because then she'd be a hypocrite. And she hated hypocrites.)

Chastity promised to herself that she wouldn't get them lost.


She won't.

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