New Life.

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I shot up straight and winced feeling my shoulder burn like fire but it was bearable. I yawned loudly and stretched. I took in my surroundings frowned. How did I end up here. EVery where I looked was full of black sand. A saw that the sand that laid on the dead grass was shaped as a horse and has bright goldish eyes for it. I walk slowly circuling the objects freaking out slightly. This is different I wondered. I stepped on something and heard it crack. I look down and lift my paw up slightly looking at what I had stood on. A candy shaped staff. I leave my paw in the air staring at it. It looks.......familiar. I put my paw down and sniff the staff smelling a intoxicated scent. Icey mint. I touched it with my nose trtying to push it. I heard a twig snap behind me causing me to snap my head up and look behind me.

A man with a black cloak that made him look like he was wearing a dress laid on the dead grass. Not breathing. He had grey deathly pale skin and pitch black hair. I frown and keep walking around. I stopped. A glass wall like stood still in front of me. It was cracked in the centre like someone had thrown and hit the glass with such force. I walk cautionously closer and stretched my neck in the crack of the glass. A boy. No a man.

He had white sort of blue hair that fell over his eyes slightly, with a blue hoodie on that had lots of frost and snow flakes on the front and shoulders and brown pants that were ripped at the ends with no shoes on. I walk into the glass and take in my new surroundings. Green grass was seen everywhere. Bu that was'nt the only thing I saw. A Ice kingdom was surrounded by the beautiful grass.

I looked at the boy and felt something scream at me in the back of my mind when I looked at him harder. The problem was. I didnt know what. I decided to wake the man up but when I went to nudge him with my nose. I went straight through him.

Jack and the Angel WolfWhere stories live. Discover now