Use thy teeth and chomp that brat to die

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Tarabelle POV

I snarled circling Pitch as I watched his every move. " Tarabelle even if you do get me what do you plan on doing with me?" I did my Wolfy grin and chuckle softly. I sneered as I took a step forward to him then he shouted "WOULD YOU RATHER FIGHT ME OR SAVE YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND?" I froze facing my head to Jack then felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I howled In pain and glared at Pitch with killer red eyes. I growled in the back of my throat and launched myself at him digging my fangs in his wrist tasting his blood as I dug my claws into his sides. His screamed in pain struggling against my strong hold. One of Pitchs nightmares bit into my neck, I let go of Pitch and turned my was towards it and grabbed its head with my teeth ripping it off my shoulder feeling it dissolve into sand straight away.

I chuckled feeling smoke erupt from my nostrils. I heard Jack scream again making me face him. I hissed when I saw a nightmare bite into his neck, I jumped sprinting over to him with my wings spread open as I threw the nightmare off him with my left wing. I stood in front of Jack in a protective way snarling with my ears flattening against my skull. I crouched down with my front legs In font of me spread out, my wings spread out covering Jack. A army of nightmares appeared before my eyes. Pitch sat on top of the biggest one which was in the middle. I closed my eyes turning towards Jack before opening them again I shifted into my human form and sat next to him. A tear slipped from my eye. I bend down to Jack and closed my eyes kissing his soft plumped lips before pulling away again with my eyes wide open. "I love you Jackson Overland Frost" I whispered. I stood up facing Pitchs army once again. I stood high glaring into Pitchs yellow eyes "WELL GO ON THEN, FINISHED WHAT YOU STARTED!!!!" I screamed. Pitch grinned evilly chuckling as he looked at me with evil. "Boo" he whispered. Before I could even blink, the army of nightmares charged at me. I looked down to Jack and touched his forehead. I used all my power to teleport him somewhere safe where Pitch wouldn't be able to find him when he was done with me. Slowly Jack faded away Turning into water. "NO, YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS TARABELLE!" Pitch appeared by my side stabbing me with a dagger. I howled turning into my wolf. I growled and ran at Pitch and grabbed his arm with my teeth ripping his arm clean off. He fell to the ground with his eyes rolling to the back of his head. I went to finished my meal but.......


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