Is this the end?

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I eventually fell asleep after waiting for Jack to wake up. While I was sleeping I heard a light groan, I instantly  woke up of course so I could see Jack. I watched as Jack used his forearms to lift his upper body up. When he did I swear my hear stopped. He looked straight at me and smiled. I would of smiled back but I knew he wouldn't see me. 

But something was different. His eyes weren't as blue as I remembered. Well the left eye was a crystal blue and the right eye was....... silver with blue tints in them. Lke my eyes. Taking a deep breath I stood up on four shakey legs watching as Jack stood up and looked for his staff. His staff? I know where it is! I jumped and barked at Jack hoping he would hear me but of course he didn't.

I wagged my tail and ran out of the glass and tumbled when my wings flapped a little. I jumped again and landed on my front paws before flapping my wings harder. I flew up and dived towards the staff. I landed before it and stood still watching it. I can't touch it? I remembered that when I woke up I nudged it with my snout. I opened my mouth and picked the saff up between my jaws and turned around and flew to Jack. 

I saw that he was panicking, frost came out from his feet as he walked back and forth for his beloved staff. I landed not far fom him and slowly walked towards him wondering if he saw the staff. As I walked I tucked my wings behind my back and held my head high looking down at Jack since I was way taller than him.

As I reached him, I stayed still behind him as my tail slowly swayed side to side. Eventually Jacks shoulders dropped and turned around not before jumping in surprise. I stood still scared to move. I watched his eyes as he looked up at the staff then reached my eyes. My breathing hitched as he stared intensly at me. 

I drpped the staff which startled him and turned around and quickly flew behind a bush watching him through leaves and branches. My heart ached when he held out his hand to retrieve his staff, then spoke "Tarabelle?" It sounded more of a question. I closed my eyes and flew off.

Jack and the Angel WolfWhere stories live. Discover now