Chapter 2

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I was awoken by the sunlight that danced across the forest and woke the creatures from within. I sat up and stretched my arms above my head rubbing my palms along the rough bark of Mama Willows trunk. She looks down upon me smiling and asked, " Are you hungry little one?" I looked up while rubbing my eyes awake and nodded my head yes.
Some fairies brought me a big leaf filled with berries and many unknown fruits. I grabbed a small star shaped fruit and brought it up to my lips. It tasted sweeter than moms homemade chocolate chip cookies. I suddenly became sad and longed for my mothers embrace. I wondered if they even knew I was missing? Mama Willow noticed the sadness in my hazel eyes. She comforted me by wrapping her willow vines around my body and stroked my dark brown hair soothingly. Wrapping my arms around her trunk I felt at home for some unknown reason.
Mama Willow says to me," I think it's time for you to know exactly why you are here."
As I looked at her curiously pleading her to go on.
She proceeds to tell me," You were born with a very special gift. As you get older your abilities will grow stronger. You have this gift for a reason young one, and when the time is right you will know what to do with your powers."
My gaze was focused on Mama Willow and I asked her," What do you mean I have special powers?"
She informed me by saying,"You were chosen by Mother Nature, herself, to protect and preserve our home. This is your new home now, we will teach you how to properly use your nature abilities for the goodness of the flora and fauna council."
I asked curiously,"I have nature abilities? What is that? And who is the flora and fauna council?"
Mama Willow says,"It is up to you to take the spiritual path when you're a little bit older. But we will discuss that more when you're more prepared for that lesson. The flora and fauna council are the elite forest protectors. There are a mixture of forest creatures within the council such as wood fairies,wisps and mermaids. The wood fairies are responsible for the forest floors, the wisps look like white tulip buds floating in the air and they take care of the skies and the mermaids gracefully swim in the pond purifying it's beauty and together they maintain perfect harmony within the forest. They are what keeps this forest magical."
Taking in all of this information, I gaped at her with large eyes,"This is so much to understand all at once Mama Willow! I'll never be ready for any of this!" I said in frustration.
"Don't worry dear, you'll understand all of this within time. This is just the beginning my little blossom."

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