The Dream

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"... might you just be smart enough to--" a deep voice said, getting cut off by a higher voice.

" I understand you have pressure on you from all of this but that doesn't mean you can't--"
The deep voice shushed the other voice and said, "Ernest, I think 'someone' might be listening to us..." then he got quieter so that Phoenix couldn't here them anymore.

    They said 'someone' like they knew it was her but she couldn't risk it. Her heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to bust out of her chest at any moment. If Phoenix moved she would get caught and get in trouble or worse. Behind that door was something and that something, Phoenix thought, wasn't going to be pretty. Footsteps came from the other side of the door and she had no choice but to get out. As she walked down the stairs, as quietly as she could, she heard the door unlock. This is it, I'm done for. The door opened and she saw two men standing there with wide smirks on their faces. They did some kind of code with their hands and one nodded as the other went to grab something.

    Phoenix stood there, silently, in tattered and burned clothes. Her hair messed, like usual but worse. And to complete her look a scar that burned on her forehead. Phoenix had been through so much that day she wanted to cry right there on the spot. But she couldn't. If she did she would show them she was weak. Soon enough, the other man returned with a bag. He motioned Phoenix forward but she didn't move. He turned to her and beckoned her but again she didn't move. Tears swelled up in her eyes and she try hard to fight them back.

    The man walked to the steps right in front of Phoenix and held out his hand. Phoenix didn't know what to think of this. She looked around and saw no other way. Down stairs was a woman this time. She looked up at her with a smile and Phoenix wanted to return one back but it didn't feel right to do so. She looked over the mans shoulder and saw the other man. He looked down at his watch looking unpleased. Then looked back up again and saw Phoenix starring at him. He put back on his smirk, his dark red eyes glowing in the moonlight. His untidy dark brown hair looked that Phoenix's. She looked back at the man in front of her. His light blue eyes showed kindness and his grey hair looked like it was glowing. His hand still stretched out, Phoenix grabbed it. What did she have to lose?

    Apparently everything. The mans kind eyes faded away and he had no pupils. His teeth sharpened. His happy grin disappeared and turned into an evil smirk. Everything turned pitch black and Phoenix found herself in a room. One single chair, she was sitting in it, and torches all on the walls. Nothing was keeping her in that chair. No ropes. No bars. Nothing. Yet she couldn't move, not even a finger. There was one door at the end of the hall that opened and the three people she saw before, plus one more, came out of it. They all came towards her, arms stretched out, ready to grab her. But right when they came closer she could see the fear in each of their eyes before the pupils faded away. They didn't want to do this. They didn't want to be here. But yet they were all forced to. Their mouths all open drooling at the sight of her like they were going to eat her. Hair grey and white. Teeth all sharp, like the man beforehand. And eyes without pupils, gleaming in the torchlight. They opened their mouths wide and--

    "Phoenix! Phoenix!" Her friend,Travis, called at the foot of her bed. " Your eyes, they turned all white! Your teeth were sharp and pointed. And your hair, Phoebe , it turned white. And you were mumbling something. It sounded like "The gateway has been open!" but in a way deeper voice!"

    Phoenix opened her eyes to find Grayson, Travis and Cheyenne around her bed all staring down at her like she was the one and only fully grown flower in a patch of weeds. Cheyenne had her hands over her mouth, Mrs.Tike was wiping her eyes, Grayson was grasping Phoenix's hand, Zane and Lawrence, the twins, ran into the room to see what was going on, and Travis had a look of fear on his face.

    "I'm fine everyone, I'm fine." She sat up and Grayson let go of her hand. "It was just a bad dream that's all." She said reassuringly to everyone. But was she fine? Throughout breakfast everyone would take subtle glance at her when she wasn't looking to make sure she was alright. Mrs.Tike did it the most, after she was overprotective. Grayson noticed she was uncomfortable so when they all finished breakfast he said " I think we're going to hang out in my room for awhile just me, Travis, Phe, and Chey."He winked at them. All four of them walked upstairs and Phoebe told them about her dream but it was more like a nightmare to her.

    "Really?" Travis said. "You get just about as weird dreams as a crazy old man!" He laughed but Grayson shoved his elbow in his ribs and gave I'm a glare that made him stop. Phoenix giggled. She was glad she had people like this to keep her company. But she couldn't help but wonder what her 'dream' meant. Would it happen, if so when would it happen? How would it happen? Would she go through it alone? Question kept reoccurring throughout the day but Phoenix tried to keep her thoughts hopefully.

Hey guys! Was it good? I thought so. This is the the first time I published a story I wrote. So I hope it went ok. If there was any grammar or spelling mistakes feel free to tell me so I can fix it. I changed the main characters name and if I missed anything that involved the name feel free to tell me that two.
I think that's all I have to say here. Bai!

~Another Girl Writing a Book

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